Resetting the Agent Public Key

Important! This page applies only to TLS/SSL Agents. For more information about renewing the transfer key for non-TLS/SSL Agents, see Renewing the Transfer Key.

As a system administrator in charge of the security at your company, you must make sure that the Agents are authenticated. If you need to authenticate the Agent again before if connects to the Automation Engine again, you can use the option Reset Agent Public Key. For example, in AAKE, if you do not want to store the public/private key in a volume, you can reset the Agent key in the Automation Engine before the agent can connect again.

You can do so from AWI by right-clicking the Agent and selecting Reset Agent Public Key.

You also have the option of using the REST API before starting the agent.


    "http://$REST_CONNECTION/ae/api/v1/0/system/agents/$AGENT_NAME/resetpublickey" -v

See also: