- Configuring the Color Scheme

You use this file to define a custom color scheme for the AWI user interface, instead of the default color scheme. You can modify this file and add colors to reflect your company brand. You also use it to customize the connection colors and help users easily identify the Clients they are logged into. The connection color is used in the horizontal bar at the top of the page and in the icon in the browser tab. All windows and tabs that belong to a connection use the same color.

The default colors are always available, also if you delete the file, or if you delete the default configuration in this file. The changes that you make to this file take effect after logging out and back in.

This page includes the following:

Configuration required?

The configuration is optional.

Related Components

All AWI components.


The AWI user interface uses gold and shades of black in its color scheme. In the file, you can specify a different color instead of the gold. This is only one of the ways that you can customize the AWI to reflect your company brand. You can also replace the CA Automic logo with your company logo.

Users with the necessary rights can log in to multiple Clients. To easily identify a Client, users can assign a session color when they log in to AWI. This color is used in the browser tab and in the horizontal bar at the top of the view that correspond to the Client. The file is supplied with a set of default colors that you can change. You can add or remove colors and you can modify their names.

File location

When you have installed the AWI, you find this configuration file in your application server, in the folder ...\<Automic Web Interface>\config\theme.

To Define a Custom Color Scheme

  1. In your application server go to the folder …\<AWI>\config\theme.
  2. Open the renamed file and update the configuration as described in the list below.


The list that follows explains the structure of the file and describes the parameters and settings with their possible values.

  • maincolor

    Hex code of the main selection color. It is used to highlight the borders of selected UI elements (the color of the underline that indicates that a perspective is in focus, the lines that encircle a selected checkbox, button, input field, etc.).


    maincolor = #4086A1

  • maincolor.brighter

    Hex code of the color that is used as background of selected UI elements.


    maincolor.brighter = #A0C3D0

  • maincolor.brighter.text

    Hex code used on theme.color.brighter. configure when using darker theme colors.


    maincolor.brighter.text = #424242

  • session.colors

    Hex codes of the colors that users can assign to a session when logging in. You can add and remove colors and you can assign them names. The colors must be separated by a comma.


    • Default configuration

      session.colors = #BF2F1F, #E76456, #E88E35, #D6246E, #8953B0, #4E61C2, #0A786F, #6BC84C, #736D00, #E1D828, #867C6D;

    • Custom configuration where names are assigned to the session colors

      session.colors = #BF2F1F - Production 1, #E76456 - Admin, #E88E35, #D6246E, #8953B0, #4E61C2, #0A786F, #6BC84C - Test, #736D00, #E1D828, #867C6D, #F0097e - Trial;

  • white.background

    Default value false. If set to true a white box will be displayed in the login dialog and header behind the custom logo.

  • logo.filename

    Name of the Logo file which is located in the …\webapps\<AWI>\config\theme folder