UC_SYSTEM_SETTINGS - Systemwide Settings

This predefined system Variable (VARA) object is supplied in Client 0 and contains settings that apply throughout an entire Automation Engine system. This variable object can only be changed in Client 0.

The Automation Engine monitors all the values that are included in this variable. As a system administrator, you receive a message every time a user attempts to store an invalid value in this variable. This message is also written to the log file of the Automation Engine. If an invalid value is used, the system uses the default value instead. If the invalid value is a range and the specified maximum value is exceeded, the system uses the maximum value. The minimum value is used if a value that lies below the minimum value is found. The variable's contents remain unchanged.

The VARA object UC_SYSTEM_SETTINGS includes the following variables:



      Determines the maximum number of tasks (lines) that can be displayed on the task list of the Process Monitoring perspective in AWI.

      • Default value: 500

      • Restart required: No


      Determines the maximum number of tasks that can be returned by the Automation Engine for requests

      • Allowed values: 0 to 20000

      • Default value: 5000

      • Restart required: No

  • AGENT Parameters

    Contains the following parameters relevant for the Agents:


      Defines the number of agents to be displayed in the agent list.

      • Allowed values: 1 to 20000

      • Default value: 5000

        The default value is used if no value has been defined and if the value is set to zero (0) or higher than 20000.

      • Restart required: No


      Defines the maximum number of log-file changes for agents (per minute).

      • Allowed values: 20 to n

      • Default value: 60

      • Restart required: No


      Defines the interval in minutes at which tasks that are waiting for the host of an agent group are checked.

      • Allowed values: 1 to 60

      • Default value: 10

      • Restart required: No


    Defines the maximum number of lines that a BACKEND type Variable object returns.

    • Allowed values: 0 to 50000

    • Default value: 200

    • Restart required: No


    Determines the number of data records that can be fetched at once from the database when using SELECT statements.

    Important! This parameter does not apply to PostgreSQL databases.

    • Allowed values: 50 to 9999

    • Default value: 500

    • Restart required: No


    Determines whether the Automation Engine sends the server certificates to an Agent during a Centralized Agent Upgrade (CAU) or not.

    • Allowed values: Y and N

    • Default value: Y

    • Restart required: No


    Determines how many agents can be upgraded in you system at the same time using the Centralized Agent Upgrade (CAU), see Centralized Agent Upgrade (CAU).

    • Allowed values: 0 to 100000

    • Default value: 1000

    • Restart required: No

  • CHANGE_LOGGING Parameters


      Defines the time period in days after which the log files are changed.

      • Allowed values: 1 to 32767

      • Default value: 14

      • Restart required: No


      Defines the size in MB after which the log files are changed.

      • Allowed values: 1 to 32767

      • Default value: 20

      • Restart required: No


    Defines the time interval in seconds at which the Preconditions tab of workflows is rechecked.

    • Default value: 60

    • Restart required: No


    Important! This variable is relevant only if a non-TLS/SSL Agent, such as BS2000, NSK, OS/400, VMS and z/OS, uses a third party load balancer to connect to an Automation Engine instance in a container-based environment.

    Defines where to reach the communication process (CP).

    • Allowed values: Addresses (hostname:port) for communication processes separated by a semicolon, see Communication Processes (CP).

    • Restart required:

      You have to restart the communication processes (CPs) if:

      • the CP_ENDPOINT variable is defined for the first time or is deleted

      • you want to start all communication processes (CPs) with the same port number

      You do not have to restart the communication processes (CPs) if:

      • you have an Automic Automation Kubernetes Edition deployment

      • you are only changing a port number that was already defined or adding additional ports to the variable definition. However, if you change the port definition, make sure that the change is reflected in the configuration (INI) file of the relevant Agent.


    Defines the time frame in hours that is applied to show the executions that have been deactivated during this period of time.

    • Allowed values: Integers

    • Default value: 12 or No Time Frame

      Note: The default value of 12 is only available when the Include deactivated tasks option is selected, otherwise No Time Frame is the default setting.

    • Restart required: No


    Determines the number of objects to be deleted for which the Search for Use function is executed without a check back.

    • Allowed values: 0 to 100

    • Default value: 10

    • Restart required: No


    Allows you to exclude user-defined Include objects from being called in the Headers and Trailers of Job Objects.

    • Allowed values: BS2000, CIT, JMX, MVS, NSK, OS400, PS, SAP, SAPBW, UNIX, VMS, WINDOWS or *ALL.

      Note: Separate values by using commas.

    • Default: All available Includes are executed.

    • Restart required: No


    Allows you to have the password in the report to be displayed as stars (*).

    • Allowed values: YES and NO

    • Default value: YES

    • Restart required: No


    Defines the time in minutes after a system start that the system waits for the availability of a JWP to calculate the adaptive ERT.

    Note: This setting is only relevant when you intend to calculate the ERT by using the adaptive calculation method. At least one active JWP is needed for the adaptive ERT calculation method.

    • Allowed values: 1 to 60

    • Default value: 5

    • Restart required: No


    Defines if an object should start if a message is put into quarantine, see Quarantine.

    • Allowed values: Object name

    • Restart required: No


    Allows you to connect to the Automic Connector in Automation Analytics and Intelligence (AAI), see Automation Analytics and Intelligence Integration for Automic Automation.

    • Allowed values: N[o] and Y[es]

    • Default value: N

    • Restart required: No


    Defines the handling of tasks in external dependencies.

    • Allowed values: N[o] and Y[es]

      N[o]: Tasks with status ENDED_LOST are ignored in external dependencies.

      Y[es]: Tasks with status ENDED_LOST are handled like every other task in external dependencies.

    • Default value: N

    • Restart required: No


    Defines the interval in minutes at which external dependencies in workflows are checked, see External Dependencies in Workflows.

    • Allowed values: 1 to 1440

    • Default value: 10

    • Restart required: No


    Allows you to force context-insensitive search in the keys of VARA objects.

    • Allowed values: Y and N

    • Default value: N


    Defines how many times the system should try to create and process the list of TLS Gateways available so that the Agent can establish the connection for File Transfer.

    • Allowed values: 1 to 999

    • Default value: 0

    • Restart required: No


    Defines the interval (in minutes) between tries (FT_GATEWAY_RETRY_COUNT) before the next iteration of the TLS Gateway list is created and available for processing.

    Note: This value only takes effect if the FT_GATEWAY_RETRY_COUNT variable is set and if the definition is grater than 0.

    • Allowed values: 1 to 60

    • Default value: 10

    • Restart required: No


    Allows you to use the script function GENERATE_SCRIPT_VARS when set to Y.

    • Allowed values: Y and N

    • Default value: N

    • Restart required: No


    Defines the maximum number of autoforecast results to be displayed, see Autoforecast.

    • Allowed values: 0 to 20000

    • Default value: 5000

    • Restart required: No


    Defines the maximum number of search results to be displayed.

    • Allowed values: 0 to 20000

    • Default value: 5000

    • Restart required: No


    Defines the maximum number of statistical records to be displayed.

    • Allowed values: 0 to 20000

    • Default value: 5000

    • Restart required: No


    Defines the handling of blanks in a line that is read by using the script function GET_PROCESS_LINE.

    • Allowed values: 0 and 1

      0: GET_PROCESS_LINE leaves blanks at the end unchanged.

      1: GET_PROCESS_LINE truncates blanks at the end.

    • Default value: 1

    • Restart required: No


    Defines how often (in seconds) the advanced search index is updated, see Advanced Search.


    Important! This variable is relevant only if your Automic Web Interface or your Agents connect to the Automation Engine using a third party load balancer, such as an ingress in container-based installations.

    Defines where to reach the JCP.

    • Default value: https://hostname:8443

    • Restart required: No


    Important! This variable is only relevant when upgrading a GSS Agent to TLS/SSL using the CAU and only if you want to override the definition of the connection= parameter that is added to the INI file by the system during the CAU process.

    Allows you to override the default JCP or Proxy connection value when using the Centralized Agent Upgrade (CAU) to upgrade a GSS Agent to its TLS/SSL version.

    • Restart required: No

  • JWP Parameters


      Defines the alternative keystore path the JWP should use instead of the JRE default keystore location. Paths can be local or network paths and can us UNC format.


      Defines the usage of a Login object that provides a password for type JWP_KEYSTORE, see Login (LOGIN). You need this password to access the JWP keystore file defined with the JWP_KEYSTORE_PATH key.

      • Allowed value: <name_of_the_login_object>

      • Restart required: No

  • KDC

    Enables or disables Kerberos Distribution Center (KDC) authentication for a system.

    • Allowed values: Y[es] and N[o]

    • Default value: N[o]

      Note: If the switch is not set, the default value is used.

    • Restart required: No


    Defines the time delay in minutes after which the objects' usage counter is refreshed.

    • Allowed values: 0 to 10

    • Default value: 0 (no refresh)

      Note: Executions are not counted if no value or 0 has been specified.

    • Restart required: No

  • LDAP

    Allows you to connect to LDAP.

    • Allowed values: Y and N

      Y: LDAP is used.

      N: LDAP is not used.

    • Default value: N

    • Restart required: No


    Determines whether the Automation Engine also writes log file messages to the AE database.

    • Allowed values: Y and N

    • Default value: Y

      Y: The log messages of the Automation Engine are saved in Server object's report in the AE database.

      N: The log messages of the Automation Engine are saved only in the log file and not in the AE database.

    • Restart required: Server, see Starting and Stopping Server Processes


    Determines the maximum number of objects that are exported at the same time.

    • Allowed values: 0 to 1000000

    • Default value: 1000

    • Restart required: No


    Determines the maximum size in KB of the XML/JSON file that you can import into a Client.

    • Allowed values: 0 to 30720000

    • Default value: 30720

    • Restart required: Automic Web Interface (logout/login)


    Security check to avoid endless loops. Disabling it allows you to start tasks over and over again.

    • Allowed values: 0 to 9999

      Setting the value to 0 disables the security check.

    • Default value: 16

    • Restart required: No


    Determines the maximum size of script variables in bytes.

    • Allowed values: 1024 to 8388608

    • Default value: 1048576

      Note: Setting MAX_VARIABLE_SIZE to a higher value increases memory consumption, process time, and data transfer volume.

    • Restart required: No


    Determines the maximum size of resources attached to the Storage object, in bytes, see Storage (STORE).

    Important! This variable is used only in the script command :ATTACH_RES.

    • Allowed values: 0 to 95 MB (99900000 bytes)

    • Default value: 95 MB (99900000 bytes)

    • Restart required: Automic Web Interface (logout/login)


    Defines the minimum interval in minutes at which events are executed.

    • Allowed values: 0 to 9999

    • Default value: 1

    • Restart required: No

  • MQ Parameters (Oracle)


      Determines whether the message queue tables are reorganized automatically.

      • Allowed values: Y and N

      • Default value: N

      • Restart required: No


      Defines the number of blocks after which the message queue is reorganized.

      • Allowed values: 0 to 100000

      • Default value: 64

      • Restart required: No


      Defines the interval in seconds at which message queues are checked.

      • Allowed values: 0 to 1000000

        No check is made if the value is set to 0.

      • Default value: 600

      • Restart required: No


    Defines the number of server messages to be buffered in the random access memory of the server computer.

    • Allowed values: 0 to 1000

    • Default value: 0

    • Restart required: No


    Determines user access to objects in the system client 0 from other clients in the Automation Engine system.

    • Allowed values: Y[es] and N[o]

      Y: Users have access to system client objects in write protected mode.

    • Default value: Y[es]

    • Restart required: No


    This key defines which Action Pack structure should be used to export an Action Pack with the Plugin Manager. For more information, see About the Plugin Manager.

    • Allowed values:

      • ALL

        The Pack content is exported in both formats: XML, JSON.

      • JSON

        The Pack content is exported in JSON format.

      • XML

        The Pack content is exported in XML format.

    • Restart required: No
    • Default: JSON
  • PASSWORD Parameters


      Facilitates a password exit.

      • Format: Name including the path of the generated server program library for an external password check



      • Number of characters allowed: Max. 256 characters

      • Restart required: Server, see Starting and Stopping Server Processes


      Allows you to assign parameters for a password check.

  • PERFORMANCE Parameters


      Defines whether this feature is turned on or not.

      • Allowed values: Y and N

      • Default value: N

      • Restart required: No


      Number of days that the performance data is stored in the database.

      • Allowed values: 1 to N

      • Default value: 30

      • Restart required: No


      Batch size used for deleting metrics.

      • Allowed values: 1 to N

      • Default value: 1000

      • Restart required: No


    Defines the URL to the public GIT repository containing an updated list of available Packs.

    • Default value: https://github.com/Automic/Index.git
    • Restart required: No

    This variable is used to connect to the repository containing the release notes of the Packs.

    • Default value: https://downloads.automic.com/jart/prj3/depman/interfaces/marketplace/list_packages.jart?to-json=yes

    • Restart required: No


    This variable is used by thePlugin Manager together with the PM_PROXY_PORT variable to access the Internet. For more information, see About the Plugin Manager and PM_PROXY_PORT.

    • Default value: Empty value

    • Restart required: No

    • Default value: Empty value

    • Restart required: No


    This variable is used by the About the Plugin Manager together with the PM_PROXY_SERVER variable to access the Internet. For more information, see About the Plugin Manager and PM_PROXY_SERVER.

    • Default value

      Empty value

    • Restart required



    Defines the time interval in seconds at which the server processes attempt to establish a connection. This affects the connection attempts for a restart or after a lost connection.

  • REPORT Parameters

  • REPORT_SCAN Parameters


      Defines the size in MB which is requested by default for reading an Output Analysis report.

      • Allowed values: 1 to 50

      • Default value: 2

      • Restart required: No


      Defines the maximum size in MB which is requested for reading an Output Analysis report.

      • Allowed values: 1 to 100

      • Default value: 10

      • Restart required: No


    Determines the SSH directory you wish to use when connecting to a remote repository.

    If this parameter has not been set, the system uses the default SSH directory of the installation's operating system.


    Determines the behavior of the GET_VAR script function.

    • Allowed values: Y[es] and N[o]

      Y[es]: GET_VAR shows the variable's value. The variable is resolved.

      N[o]: GET_VAR does not resolve the variable, but shows the variable's name, for example: &var#.

    • Default value: Y[es]

    • Restart required: No


    Important! This variable is relevant only if your Automic Web Interface or your Agents connect to the Automation Engine using a third party load balancer, such as an ingress in container-based installations.

    Defines where the Java API and AWI can reach the REST API.

    Note: The Java API does not return the REST_ENDPOINT set in this variable when you use the GetRestEndpoints API call.

    • Default value: https://hostname:8088

    • Restart required: No

  • SAML

    Enables or disables Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) authentication for a system.

    • Allowed values: Y and N

    • Default value: N

      Note: If the switch is not set, the default value is used.

    • Restart required: No


    Defines the time period in seconds at which the script is interrupted and an endless loop is assumed. This parameter allows you to avoid endless loops.

    • Allowed values: 1 to 32767

    • Default value: 5

    • Restart required: No


    Various server settings for performance improvement and trace outputs.

    • Format: 16 digit strings

      Each digit represent a particular server setting. These values can be read using the script function GET_UC_SETTING.

    • Default: All options are deactivated

    • Restart required: No

  • ServiceManager Parameters


      Determines whether new agents are scanned automatically for a ServiceManager connection.

      • Allowed values: YES and NO

      • Default value: YES

      • Restart required: No


      Determines whether the coupling between AE processes and the ServiceManager is enabled or disabled.

      • Allowed values: YES and NO

      • Default value: NO

      • Restart required: No

      Enabling this parameter can impact your system's performance.


      Indication of a port number or a port area that is searched for ServiceManager services

      • Default value: 8871

      • Port area: Max. 10 port numbers

      • Restart required: No

      • Syntax format: <port> or (<portFrom>,<portTo>)


      Enables compatibility with legacy ServiceManagers for version prior to 12.2.0 (TLS 1.2).

      • Allowed values: Y and N

      • Default value: N

      • Restart required: No


    Allows you to display reports as subordinate tasks in the Process Monitoring perspective.

    • Allowed values: Y[es] and N[o]

      Y[es]: The Process Monitoring perspective displays the report of a task as its child.

      N[o]: The Process Monitoring perspective displays reports as individual tasks.

    • Default value: Y[es]

    • Restart required: No


    Defines the interval in seconds at which the display for the blocked workflows for SNMP is refreshed.

    • Allowed values: 0 to 600

      0: always check

    • Default value: 10

    • Restart required: No

  • SQL Variables Parameters


      Determines who can create and edit SQL - internal and SQL - internal SECURE Variable objects.

      • Allowed values: YES and NO

      • Default value: NO

      • Restart required: No


      Defines the maximum number of lines to be retrieved by Variable objects with the source SQL and SQLI.

      • Allowed values: 0 to 500000

        If you specify a very high value it may take longer to resolve Variable objects.

      • Default value: 200

      • Restart required: No


    Contains a reference to the Login (LOGIN) object of type DB that has the credentials of the database user that is used for executing SQLI and SEC_SQLI VARA objects.

    • Allowed values: Name of the Login object.

    • Default value: Not applicable. If this key exists in UC_SYSTEM_SETTINGS and contains a valid value (the name of the Login object), the user/password specified in the Login object is used to establish the connection to the database. Otherwise (the key is not defined, the Login object does not exist), the connection specified in the AE's INI file (section ODBC) is used.

    • Restart required:

  • SUPPRESS Message Parameters


      Determines if messages are suppressed while connecting or disconnecting an agent to avoid performance issues.

      • Allowed values: Y and N

      • Default value: N

      • Restart required: No


      Determines if messages are suppressed when more than 60 equal messages are sent within a specified period of seconds.

      • Allowed values: 0 - 600

      • Default value: 60

      • Restart required: No

  • SYNC Parameters


      Determines the number of Sync objects whose log should be changed per block.

      • Allowed values: 1 to 1000

      • Default value: 10

      • Restart required: No


      Determines whether Sync objects are checked when restarting a canceled job without an Abend action.

      • Allowed values: Y and N

        Y: Sync object is checked when restarting a canceled job without an Abend action.

        N: Sync object is not checked, a job is restarted immediately.

      • Default value: Y

      • Restart required: No


    Defines if the TLS Gateway can be used as a communication process (CP) for non-TLS/SSL Agents or not.

    • Allowed values: YES and NO

    • Default value: NO

    • Restart required: No


    Determines the maximum number of objects to be shown in the recycle bin, see Recycle Bin. The current date serves as the basis, for example, the last n objects are visible.

    • Allowed values: 0 to 20000

    • Default value: 5000

    • Restart required: No

  • UNREAD_MESSAGES Parameters


      Determines the output of unread administrator and security messages.

      • Allowed values: YES and NO

      • Default value: YES

      • Restart required: No


      Determines the maximum number of unread messages that should be kept.

      • Allowed values: 10 to 5000

      • Default value: 500

      • Restart required: No


    Determines the maximum validity period in days allowed for user tokens.

    • Allowed Values: 0 to 3650, where 0 means that generating User tokens is not allowed.

    • Default Value: 365 days

    • Start required: No


    Determines whether variables can be used in VARA objects, and which ones.

    • Allowed values: 0, 1, 2, and 3

    • Default value: 0

    • Restart required: No


    Defines the interval in minutes at which the resolving of SQL variables is repeated if their values are not available due to an error.

    • Allowed values: 1 to 60

    • Default value: 10

    • Restart required: No


    Determines the maximum number of objects that are displayed in the Version Management page, see Version Management Page.

    • Allowed values: 0 to 20000

    • Default value: 5000

    • Restart required: No


    Determines the keep-alive intervals in seconds for the Java API and AWI.

    • Allowed values: 10 and above

    • Default value: 60

    • Restart required: No

  • Workflow Structure Cancellation Parameters


      Specifies how often the status of the workflow structure that is to be canceled recursively is checked.

      • Allowed values: 1 to 100

      • Default value: 10

      • Restart required: No


      Specifies the interval in seconds in which the status of the workflow structure that is to be canceled recursively is checked.

      • Allowed values: 1 to 100

      • Default value: 5

      • Restart required: No



      Determines the resources a file transfer uses by default.

      • Allowed values: 1 to 100000

      • Default value: 1

      • Restart required: No


      Determines the resources a job uses by default.

      • Allowed values: 1 to 100000

      • Default value: 1

      • Restart required: No


    Determines the minimum number of server processes per node name to be used as work processes (WP). Any additional processes are used as Dialog Processes (DWP).

    • Format: node name1=number;node name2=number

    • Allowed values for numbers: 2 up to the maximum number of work processes.

    • Default value: 5

    • Restart required: No

  • XML Parameters


      Specifies the encoding the Automation Engine uses to encode XML files.

      • Allowed values: ISO-8859-15, ISO-8859-1, and WINDOWS-1252

      • Default value: ISO-8859-15

      • Restart required: No


      Checks the encoding during the import process. It affects the verification of imported XML files.

      • Allowed values: Y and N

        Y: The import files must have the encoding that is assigned in the XML_ENCODING parameter.

        N: Encoding of the XML files is not checked.

      • Default value: Y

      • Restart required: No


    Enables or disables a mode, which prepares the system for a version upgrade without system downtime.

    • Allowed values: Y or N

      Y: A database upgrade is allowed while the system is fully up and running. New CPs/WPs can be started for working in a compatibility mode, with their peers of a pre-installed version.

      N: Database upgrade not possible, if the system is running. All CPs/WPs must have the same version.

    • Default value: N

    Important! During the period of time where this parameter is set to Y, the system performance will be reduced because certain system optimizations are not possible in this mode.

See also: