Name Type MSSql Type Oracle Type DB2 Type Postgresql Nullable Description
USR_OH_Idnr int NUMBER(38,0) int int false ID of the user object.
USR_Pw varbinary(33) RAW(33) varchar(33) for bit data bytea true Password of the user.
USR_FirstName varchar (20) VARCHAR2 (20 CHAR) varchar(20) varchar (20) true First name of the user.
USR_LastName varchar (20) VARCHAR2 (20 CHAR) varchar(20) varchar (20) true Last name of the user.
USR_Active smallint NUMBER(38,0) smallint smallint true Indicates whether or not the user is active and can log in to the system.
USR_LastSession datetime DATE timestamp timestamp true Date of the last time the user was logged in.
USR_SysMsg smallint NUMBER(38,0) smallint smallint true Indicates whether or not the user wants to receive system messages.
USR_NoEdit smallint NUMBER(38,0) smallint smallint true Indicates whether or not the user is allowed to edit and modify objects.
USR_Filter varchar (255) VARCHAR2 (255 CHAR) varchar(255) varchar (255) true Defines the filter that is assigned to the user.
USR_PwKey varbinary(16) RAW(16) varchar(16) for bit data bytea true Key to decrypt the encrypted password.
USR_PwChange datetime DATE timestamp timestamp true Date of the last time the user changed his/her password.
USR_MultiLogon smallint NUMBER(38,0) smallint smallint true Defines the number of multiple logons for this user. 0 = infinite amount of user logons
USR_EHRefresh smallint NUMBER(38,0) smallint smallint true Minimum refresh interval for the Process Monitoring view.
USR_ValidTimeFrom datetime DATE timestamp timestamp true Defines the start of the time frame the user is allowed to log in to the system.
USR_ValidTimeTo datetime DATE timestamp timestamp true Defines the end of the time frame the user is allowed to log in to the system.
USR_CaleName varchar (200) VARCHAR2 (200 CHAR) varchar(200) varchar (200) true Calendar definition that indicates the days the user is allowed to log in.
USR_CaleKeyName varchar (200) VARCHAR2 (200 CHAR) varchar(200) varchar (200) true Calendar event that indicates the days the user is allowed to log in.
USR_Folder varchar (200) VARCHAR2 (200 CHAR) varchar(200) varchar (200) true Folder which is permanently mounted to the user.
USR_AccessC0 smallint NUMBER(38,0) smallint smallint true Indicates whether or not the user has access to client 0.
USR_AccessC99 smallint NUMBER(38,0) smallint smallint true Indicates whether or not the user has access to client 99.
USR_Privilege bigint NUMBER(38,0) bigint bigint true Privileges the user has.
USR_EMail1 varchar (50) VARCHAR2 (50 CHAR) varchar(50) varchar (50) true Fist email address of the user.
USR_EMail2 varchar (50) VARCHAR2 (50 CHAR) varchar(50) varchar (50) true Second email address of the user.
USR_ErrorCnt int NUMBER(38,0) int int true Number of login errors.
USR_Ldap smallint NUMBER(38,0) smallint smallint true Indicates whether or not the user is an LDAP user.
USR_LdapUID varbinary(255) RAW(255) varchar(255) for bit data bytea true ID of the LDAP user (objectGUID).
USR_Locked smallint NUMBER(38,0) smallint smallint true Indicates whether or not the user is locked.
USR_DstngshdName varchar(1024) VARCHAR2 (1024 CHAR) varchar(1024) varchar(1024) true Active Directory distinguishedName for optimized access.
USR_Login varchar (200) VARCHAR2 (200 CHAR) varchar(200) varchar (200) true Name of the login object this user associated with.
USR_Conn varchar (200) VARCHAR2 (200 CHAR) varchar(200) varchar (200) true Name of the connection object the user is associated with.
USR_IgnoreSSO smallint NUMBER(38,0) smallint smallint true Indicates whether or not the user is allowed to ignore Kerberos (single sign-on).
USR_PwHash varchar(max) CLOB clob(20480 k) COMPACT text true Password of the user stored as hash.
USR_Type char (8) CHAR (8 CHAR) char(8) char (8) true Defines the type of the user (e.g. AIOPS)


Name Fields Primary Unique Clustered Nonclustered
PK_USR USR_OH_Idnr true true true false

Foreign Keys:

Name Local References Foreign References

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