Updating an AE System - Details
This document describes the individual steps that are required to prepare and execute an AE system update.
The following preparatory work is required before you can start the actual updating process:
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Reading the Release Notes
- Start off by reading the Release Notes of the Automation Engine version to which you intend to update. They are available in the "Release Notes" chapter of the Automation Engine documentation.
The section "Notes for the Update Installation" is extremely important. It contains information about incompatibilities and points out additional work steps that can be required during or even before the installation. Automic recommends preparing your AE system and your system environment accordingly.
Last changes in processing
Processing must not be changed during the whole updating procedure. If a problem occurs in your system environment during a particular step, you can either restore the AE or directly use the original one if you made a copy. In doing so, there is almost no risk for your processing. Note that statistical data, reports, and modifications made to Variable object and Sync object contents are lost.
- Inform all affected persons about the updating process and make sure that processing is not changed.
Create a user group that explicitly denies everything and assign all users to this group. If the Revision Report is activated in your AE system, the assignment to the user group must be made in the User object because the tab is locked in the user group object in this case.
Preparing the point in time for updating the core components
- Determine a point in time for updating the core components. Note that the Automation Engine must temporarily be stopped which interrupts processing. For this reason Automic recommends determining a time during which only a few activities take place. The duration of the updating process depends on the size of your AE system. Your experiences when updating the test system will help you estimate the required time to update your productive system.
- Ensure that you have the phone number and e-mail address of Automic Support and your login data for the Automic Automation Support zone. Carefully think about requesting temporary 24x7 Support if sensitive systems should be updated or if the update is not made during the regular business hours of our support team.
- Our experts are trained in providing excellent on-site support in updating your AE system. Contact your Account Manager or the Automic Support Team. Your request is forwarded to the relevant expert in order to make an appointment.
- During the updating process, you require access to the AE database and to all computers with AE core components (such as the Automation Engine, utilities etc.). Access to all affected computers is required if you work in a distributed Server environment. Ensure that the responsible administrators are available and that the login data (such as passwords) is correct.
- The UserInterfaces can already be updated. If you update them together with the core components, access to the relevant computers is required.
Updating the UserInterfaces
- Automic recommends using UserInterfaces in a preceding AE system only for a few days when converting to a later version. As of version 9.00A, UserInterfaces can also be used in the particular preceding version. For example: A 9.00A UserInterface can also log on to an 8.00A AE system. The only requirement is that your AE system has the latest hotfix version. Be informed that the UserInterface is not completely downwards compatible. Some functions are not fully available.
Changes made in the UserInterface's interface only become visible when the core components have been updated to the new version.
Older UserInterfaces cannot be used with AE systems of a newer version. They must be updated at least when the core components are updated.
This does NOT apply to agents which function the other way round. Later agent versions CANNOT be used in former AE systems. But former agent versions can also be used in the succeeding Automation Engine version (this means that an 8.00A agent can also be used in a 9.00A AE system). This requires the most current hotfix version to be installed on your AE system.
Maintaining the AE database
- Automic generally recommends that you maintain your AE database with our utilities and database-specific tools on a regular basis. However, reorganize your database before you update it. The smaller the database, the faster the updating process to the new Automation Engine version.
- Carefully read the AE Scripts that refer to the AE database and prepare adjustments (e.g., tablespaces). In doing so, you see the actions that will take place and respond to them in the database and on the computer on which the database has been installed (e.g., by providing disk space).
These scripts are provided in the directories IMAGE:DB\GENERAL\<version> and IMAGE:DB\<database type>\<version>. The files uc_upd.txt and chngdb.sql are especially important.
Duplicating the AE database
- For company-critical processing in the AE system Automic recommends duplicating and backing up your database. In doing so, you can leave one of the databases unchanged and easily re-access your old database if any problems occur in your system environment.
- The database can be duplicated in several ways. You can duplicate it in offline mode which is especially suitable for smaller databases and can be done during the updating process of the core components. During this time, the AE system is not available anyway. Complex databases, however, can be updated in online mode before the core components are updated. Inform your database-administration group because the current log files must be stored in the duplicated database.
Updating the Core Components
The core components are updated during this stage. Your AE system is not available while the database is updated.
Installing the utilities
- Always use a separate directory in order to avoid mixing files of the different Automation Engine versions. Depending on the computer, you will either install one or several components. First create a folder whose name represents the Automation Engine version. Then create an individual sub-folder for each component. An example is shown in the chapter about new installations.
Do not remove or overwrite the installation directories of your utilities. Back up the corresponding folders in order to make sure that you can quickly return to your old version if any problems occur.
- Install the utilities (UNIX or Windows).
- Copy the folder "DB" from the CD to the directory of the utilities. It includes the files for loading the AE database. The DB folder must be a parallel folder of the utilities' BIN directory.
Example for Windows:
Database files in C:\AUTOMIC\UTILITY\DB
Installing the Automation Engine and the ServiceManager
Do not remove or overwrite the installation directories of your Automation Engine and the ServiceManager. Back up the corresponding folder in order to make sure that you can quickly return to your old version.
- Install the Automation Engine (UNIX or Windows) to a new directory.
- Install the new ServiceManager version. Use a new name for the ServiceManager environment (phrase).
Installing the Framework Integration (optional)
- Alternately, you can carry out this step after the core components have been updated. The function Framework Integration is not available until it has been installed.
Do not remove or overwrite the installation directories of your utilities. Back up the corresponding folders in order to make sure that you can quickly return to your old version if any problems occur.
- If you use a Framework Integration such as "AE Smart Plug-In for HP OpenView", Automic recommends installing it in the new Automation Engine version.
Updating the UserInterfaces (if they have not yet been updated)
Do not remove or overwrite the installation directories of the UserInterfaces. Back up the corresponding folder in order to make sure that you can quickly return to your old version.
- At least one UserInterface must be updated to the new Automation Engine version. Use a separate directory for each UserInterface. Older UserInterface versions can no longer log on when the core components have been updated.
Stopping all clients
Starting with this step, your AE system is no longer available until the database has successfully been updated.
- Stop all clients when the updating time is ripe. This is easily done in the system control of client 0000.
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Stopping the Automation Engine
Stop all server processes. If you work in a distributed Server environment, note that all server processes on all participating computers are de-activated.
Pay attention to programs such as Watchdogs, cluster monitoring etc. before ending the server processes. They might raise an alarm or re-start the Automation Engine.
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Backing up the AE database
Back up your AE database.
- As already described in the section on preparations, creating a database copy provides many advantages. Duplicate it now if you have opted for this step but have not yet executed it. If a database duplicate was already made at an earlier point in time, check if this duplicate must be updated.
Updating the AE database
- Automic strongly recommends reading the notes concerning database modifications for the relevant Automation Engine version before starting the updating process.
- Update your AE database using the utility AE DB Load. The relevant guide is provided in the chapterHotfix Installation.
- If you have created a duplicate, Automic recommends updating it now in order to make sure that the original instance remains operable. Keep in mind to enter the correct database connection in the INI files of the utilities.
The statistics and reports (database table RT/FH) are specifically converted during the updating process to version 8.00. It can take several hours because of the huge amount of data that is involved. If you do not want to shut down your system for such a long time, you can skip this process and execute it later on. The following document includes a detailed description: Converting Reports after Updating to 8.00A.
Starting the Automation Engine and clients
- Cold-start the server processes when all installation and step have successfully been completed. Do so in the INI file of the server processes by setting the parameter StartMode= to COLD. Now the processes can start.
- All clients can be started from the System Overview of client 0000.
Monitoring the AE system
- Do not yet replace the agents. Older agent versions run smoothly with newer Automation Engine versions.
Do not change anything in your processing and carefully monitor your AE system over an extended period of time. A few hours or days are not enough. It can take a while before problems occur, especially if they are the result of a particular constellation in your processing.
Updating All Other Components
After updating the core components, you can update the remaining AE programs one after the other.
Installing the Agents
Do not remove or overwrite the installation directories of your agents. Back up the corresponding folder in order to make sure that you can quickly return to your old version.
- The new agents must also be installed in a separate directory. An adequate monitoring period is essential. Automic recommends not replacing all agents by the new version. Replace one platform after the other, for example. First replace UNIX and only replace the next one when the agents have proven to run stably for some time.
As of version 9, the UNIX agent files will be supplied in lowercase letters. To ensure that jobs call the new Job Messenger, follow the steps below:
1) Automic recommends: Correct the file name of the Job Messenger in the INI file when you update the agent (variable UC_EX_JOB_MD).
2) Important: When you install the new agent in the same directory as the old one, you must delete the old Job Messenger after the installation process.
3) Instead of adjusting the INI file during the updating process, you can also create a link (with the old messenger names in uppercase letters) that points to the new messenger
Example for Linux: ln -s ucxjli3m UCXJLI3M
Installing the remaining components
Do not remove or overwrite the installation directories of the remaining components. Back up the corresponding folder in order to make sure that you can quickly return to your old version.
- Now you can replace components such as the CallAPIs. Keep in mind to monitor the newly installed version for some time.
Using the new functions
Monitor your updated AE system for a time. The updating process is complete if no problems occur.
- Now you can update your productive system. Repeat the steps made when updating your test system. Updating a test system optimally prepared you for updating your productive system.
- Again read the Release Notes of the new Automation Engine version after having updated your productive system. They list all new functions. Use them and extend your processing. Automic Support will be pleased to help you with any problem that may occur.
- Enjoy using your new Automation Engine version.
See also:
Updating an AE System - Basics