Knowledge Base > Automation Engine and Target Systems > Windows > Agent - FileTransfer Support

Windows Agent - File Transfer Support

When defining a FileTransfer object, you can also specify additional details in the FileTransfer field.

These details can be file attributes of the operating system or additional options which are only evaluated by the agent. Note that several attributes and options need to be separated with commas.

Windows File Attributes

File attributes can be specified for the file transfer's destination.

You can also override the original attributes. This means that even if the option Keep original attributes has been activated, the attributes that should be passed on to the target should be overwritten (e.g., setting a read-only permission for all destination files).

The value "YES" sets an attribute, "NO" removes it.

Attribute Description
ARCHIVE Archive (file has changed since the last backup was made)
COMPRESSED Compressed file
ENCRYPTED Encrypted file
HIDDEN Hidden file
READONLY File is read only
SYSTEM System file

Additional Options

You can specify particular options in addition to the operating system's file attributes in the File attributes field. They affect the formatting of the file content, but are not file attributes. These options are also available for UNIX agents.

Options for the sender's file attributes

Options for the receiver's file attributes