Definition of table: HOST - host definition

generated: 12.12.2016 18:33:44
by UC2010.accdb

AE Database 11.2 (Step 018)

Name Type Len Attributes Description
HOST_OH_Idnr Long Integer 4 UC: Null=False Primary Key
HOST_HTYP_HW Text 32 UC: Null=True hardware
HOST_HTYP_SW Text 32 UC: Null=True software
HOST_HTYP_SWVers Text 32 UC: Null=True version
HOST_CodeName Text 200 UC: Null=True name of code table
HOST_JCLVar Text 32 UC: Null=True type of the job control language
HOST_HostAttrType Text 8 UC: Null=True attribute type corresponding to table UC_HTYP
HOST_TcpIpAddr Text 64 UC: Null=True TCP/IP address
HOST_TcpIpPort Long Integer 4 UC: Null=True TCP/IP port number
HOST_Active Byte 1 UC: Typ=Boolean Null=True PEER active = 1
HOST_JobCnt Long Integer 4 UC: Null=True Aktual running jobs
HOST_MaxWaiting Byte 1 UC: Typ=Boolean Null=True 1=jobs are waiting because of max parallel limit
HOST_Daylight Text 1 UC: Null=True is actual time day light saving time?
HOST_LicenceClass Text 1 UC: Null=True licence class
HOST_Version Text 255 UC: Null=True L=270 Executor Version
HOST_JobMd Text 255 UC: Null=True Job messanger
HOST_PathBin Text 255 UC: Null=True Installation path
HOST_PathJobReport Text 255 UC: Null=True Jobreport path
HOST_PathTemp Text 255 UC: Null=True Temp path
HOST_ProcessName Text 255 UC: Null=True Process Name (nsk executor)
HOST_VolumeTemp Text 255 UC: Null=True Temp volume
HOST_ProcessMask Text 255 UC: Null=True Mask f. PrepProcess
HOST_LoginMask Text 32 UC: Null=True login description mask
HOST_MibMonitoring Integer 2 UC: Null=True Flag f. MIB
HOST_MibInfo Text 255 UC: Null=True Info f. MIB
HOST_LicCategory Text 32 UC: Null=True Licence Category
HOST_MaxWaitingFT Byte 1 UC: Typ=Boolean Null=True 1=filtransfers are waiting because of max_parallel_ft limit
HOST_FTCount Long Integer 4 UC: Null=True Actual running FT
HOST_HostRoles Memo 0 UC: L=256 Null=True Role of host (from INI or edited in object)
HOST_MaxResJob Long Integer 4 UC: Null=True Maximum number of available job resources (0-100000, -1 = Unlimited)
HOST_MaxResFT Long Integer 4 UC: Null=True Maximum number of available ft resources (0-100000, -1 = Unlimited)
HOST_Authenticated Integer 2 UC: Null=True Is Executor already authenticated (0=no, 1=yes)
HOST_CPName Text 32 UC: Null=True A host that is not authenticated is connected with this CP
HOST_CITName Text 200 UC: Null=True Name of the CIT solution the host is associated with
HOST_TrustedIPs Memo 0 UC: L=256 Null=True List of IP addresses where non encrypted connections are allowed (separated via semicolons)
HOST_CITCN Text 32 UC: Null=True Vendor of the Solution determined from Deploytool. Either 'UC4' or '3DPTY'
HOST_CITOU Text 64 UC: Null=True Oranizational Unit Name of the certificate
HOST_SmPhrase Text 16 UC: Null=True ServiceManager Phrase Name
HOST_SmTcpIpPort Long Integer 4 UC: Null=True ServiceManager Tcp/Ip Port Number
HOST_SmDisplayName Text 64 UC: Null=True Service Manager Dialog Display Name
HOST_SmLookupFlag Byte 1 UC: Typ=Boolean Null=True Flag for SmgrLookup to avoid lookup for any startup of an agent (0: no lookup, 1: lookup done)
HOST_SmLinkFlag Byte 1 UC: Typ=Boolean Null=True For GUI-purposes: Service is linked to Service Manager(0: no, 1: yes)
HOST_HostName Text 255 UC: Null=True L=256 Hostname of CP/WP-Processes
HOST_NetArea Text 32 UC: Null=True The NetArea in which this Agent runs
HOST_PathBackup Text 255 UC: Null=True Backup path
HOST_PathCache Text 255 UC: Null=True Cache path


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