Definition of table: LAH - license statistcs

generated: 12.12.2016 18:33:55
by UC2010.accdb

AE Database 11.2 (Step 018)

Name Type Len Attributes Description
LAH_System Text 8 UC: Null=False UC4 system name
LAH_Date Text 6 UC: Null=False YYYYMM
LAH_Type Text 8 UC: Null=False Type (DC,HOST,JOBS,OBJ,GLOB,SERV)
LAH_Name Text 32 UC: Null=False Name (DC,rem.System,Host,Objecttype)
LAH_Platform Text 32 UC: Null=False Platform
LAH_Hardware Text 32 UC: Null=False hardware
LAH_LicClassUsed Text 1 UC: Null=False used license class
LAH_LicCategory Text 32 UC: Null=False license category
LAH_Restriction Text 250 UC: Null=True license restriction (e.g. 5 jobs/day)
LAH_LicClassNec Text 1 UC: Null=True necessary license class
LAH_Checksum Text 32 UC: Null=True checksum
LAH_Count1 Long Integer 4 UC: Null=True used count 1 (jobs/DC's,def Objects,used Server)
LAH_Count2 Long Integer 4 UC: Null=True used count 2 (filetransfer)
LAH_Count3 Long Integer 4 UC: Null=True used count 3 (event)
LAH_Count4 Long Integer 4 UC: Null=True used count 4 (max. used processors/max. used users)
LAH_Count5 Long Integer 4 UC: Null=True used count 5 (reserved)


Name Fields
PK_LAH LAH_System, LAH_Date, LAH_Type, LAH_Name, LAH_Platform, LAH_Hardware, LAH_LicClassUsed, LAH_LicCategory

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