Definition of table: ORLNK - link to a remote object

generated: 12.12.2016 18:34:33
by UC2010.accdb

AE Database 11.2 (Step 018)

Name Type Len Attributes Description
ORLNK_OH_Idnr Long Integer 4 UC: Null=False Key of link object
ORLNK_Connection Text 200 UC: Null=False Name of the Connection Object that points to the remote client where the linked object resides
ORLNK_OType Text 8 UC: Null=False Object type of the linked object
ORLNK_Object Text 200 UC: Null=False Object name of the linked object
ORLNK_Report Byte 1 UC: Typ=Boolean Null=True Replicate Report 1 = yes
ORLNK_RunLocal Byte 1 UC: Typ=Boolean Null=True Run in local system if linked object is an executable object 1 = yes


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