The BS2000 agent supports all file transfer functions such as the transfers of text and binary files or file transfers with wildcard characters.
When defining a FileTransfer object, you can also specify file attributes for the destination in the FileTransfer tab. All file attributes which comply with the file command can be used. They are entered in a separate text field. Several file attributes need to be separated with commas:
Text mode:
Binary mode:
Specified attributes replace default values or are added to the command.
Specifying an attribute means that the default-file command in the agent is overwritten. The specification of SPACE= would result in a SAM file with RECFORM=FIX, for example. In this case, the attribute RECFORM is also required if you use RECFORM=V.
The Siemens FT BS2000 can also be used to create ISAM files. Example:
Elements of LMS libraries (PLAM) can be a file transfer's source and destination.
The element should be specified in the following form:
The element version is optional. The highest version is read (source) or an element is written with version "@" (target) if no version has been specified.
To assume the attributes of source files to destination files, use the option Keep original file attributes in the FileTransfer tab. This setting is only considered if source and destination agent are of a Automation Engine version 9.00A or later (newfile transfer protocol). Source and destination platform must comply with each other.
The following file attributes can be preserved in BS2000 file transfers:
Attributes Catalog Macro | Attributes File Macro |
Note that the file transfer must not include additional attributes for the destination file if this setting is used. Otherwise, an error will occur.
Keep the following limitations in mind: