Script Function: Creates an object (Calendar, Login and Variable only).
General Information
CREATE_OBJECT(Object Type, Object Name, [Folder], [Title])
Syntax |
Description/Format |
Object Type |
Short Label of the object type |
Object Name |
Name of the object |
Folder |
Name of the folder in which the object is to be created |
Title |
Title of the object |
Return codes |
"0" - The Calendar object was successfully
created. |
A calendar is created in the specified folder. If this folder does not exist or if this parameter is missing, the object is stored in <No folder>.
In the first example, the object "FIRM.CALENDAR2003" is created in <No folder>.
:SET &RET# = CREATE_OBJECT("CALE","FIRM.CALENDAR2003",,"Firm calendar for 2003")
CREATE_OBJECT(Object Type, Object Name, [Folder], [Title])
Syntax |
Description/Format |
Object Type |
Short Label of the object type |
Object Name |
Name of the object |
Folder |
Name of the folder in which the object is to be created |
Title |
Title of the object |
Return codes |
"0" - The Login object was successfully
created. |
Usually, a Login object is created in the specified folder. If this folder does not exist or if this parameter is missing, the object is stored in <No Folder>.
In the first example, the object "LOGIN.SMITH" is created in <No Folder>.
In the second example, a Login object is created in the folder "LOGIN_STD".
CREATE_OBJECT(Object Type, Object Name, [Folder], [Title], [Error Handling], [Data Type], [Validity])
Syntax |
Description/Format |
Object Type |
Short Label of the object type To create a static Variable object of the type XML, enter its short name. |
Object Name |
Name of the object. |
Folder |
Name of the folder in which the object is to be created |
Title |
Title of the object |
Error Handling |
Handling when the variable at runtime does not contain a value Allowed values: "E" or "I" (Default value) "E" = An error message is output. |
Data Type |
Variable type Possible values: "String" (or "C"), "Number" (or "F"), "Timestamp" (or "T"), "Time" or "Date" Allowed values: "C" (default value), "F" or "T" "String", "C"= Text |
Validity |
Scope. Allowed values: "*", "FREE" (Default value), "HON", "JBN", "JPN", "JPS", "USN", "USS" "*" = No scope |
Return codes |
"0" - The Variable object was successfully
created. |
You can only create static Variable objects with this script function. Refer to the description of the Attributes tab of Variable objects.
A variable is created in the respective folder. If this folder or the parameter do not exist, the object is stored in <No folder>. If no optional parameter is specified, the default values "String" (for the data type), "Freely selected" (for the scope) and "Initial values" (for Key not found) are used.
In this example a variable is created in which the retrieved number of files can be stored.
See also:
Script element | Description |
Determines the reaction to certain errors and messages of script elements |
Deletes an existing object |
MODIFY_OBJECT | Changes an existing object (only Calendar, Login and Variable) |
MOVE_OBJECT | Moves an object to a folder |
ACTIVATE_UC_OBJECT | Activates an object |
Script Elements - Handle Objects
Script Elements - Error Handling and Messages
About Scripts
Script Elements - Alphabetical Listing
Script Elements - Ordered by Function