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Automation Engine Script Guide > Introduction > Advanced Users > Return Codes of Functions

Return Codes of Functions

Script functions supply return codes, which distinguishes them from script statements. Return codes can be individual characters, strings or numbers. Note that numbers are always supplied in 16 digits with leading zeros.


:SET &SUMME# = ADD(2,2)

The result that can be displayed with the PRINT function looks as shown below:


If numbers should be output (e.g. in the report), the leading zeros can be removed with the script function FORMAT. The zeros, however, do not affect the further processing of the number (e.g. arithmetic operations).

The return code can also contain an error number. The descriptions of the script elements include more detailed information about possible error types and their meanings. Particular script elements are available that allow for the further handling of the error number.

Some script elements must be used in combination in order to submit valuable information. The script function PREP_PROCESS_FILE, for example, generates a data sequence from the content of a text file. The return code is a handle. The individual lines of the text file can be read with the script function GET_PROCESS_LINE which requires the handle that was retrieved with PREP_PROCESS_FILE.