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User Guide > UserInterface > Using Desktop Modes

Using Desktop Modes

The desktop - working space of the UserInterface - is the environment in which objects can be created and their execution be monitored. Due to the various functions that are available, many windows can be in use. Two different desktop modes are therefore available which serve to provide a clear overview.

Select your preferred mode when working with AE.

Desktop modes are specified in the settings of the UserInterface - General tab.

Regardless of the selected mode can the windows be grouped according to your requirements via the menu item "window". It is found in the title bar of the UserInterface. You can also specify a magnetic area which provides for a seamless grouping of windows.

Single Desktop

If you work with one desktop, all windows are displayed on this desktop. If there are connections to several clients, the windows belonging to the same client show the same color line underneath the window's title bar.

Multi Desktop

An extra work space is created for each connection when the multi-desktop mode is used. Additionally, you can create new desktops. The specific advantage is that the windows of different connections can be displayed in one desktop - you can create a desktop for the Activity Windows of your clients, for example.

A user-defined desktop can be created as shown below:

  1. Click the button [+] which is available next to the Desktop tabs.
  2. Enter a name and a color for the new desktop to be created
  3. Activate the required client connection through the menu item "Connections"  (New Connection) in the menu bar of the UserInterface
  4. Now open the windows of the particular client
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to access the windows of other clients

The client currently used in the user-defined desktop is shown in the UserInterface's title line.

By default, the checkbox "Adopt active connection color" is activated when a user-defined desktop is created. If you are logged on to client 1 with a red color, the same color is suggested for the user-defined desktop if it should contain windows of client 1. If you log on using the color blue, the user-defined desktop is automatically displayed in blue, too.

For each desktop, the status bar displays a tab in the connection's color or the color which has been selected for the user-defined desktop. Click these tabs to switch between the different desktops. You can also use the shortcuts to scroll through the available workspaces:

For connections, the tab shows the name of the AE system and the client. You can specify an individual name for user-defined desktops.

The context menu of a box contains the commands "Activate Desktop" and "Close Desktop". User-defined desktops can be renamed and their colors be changed if required.

It is not possible to close the connection to the client to which you connected first via the UserInterface.

The tabs for connection desktops are listed in alphabetical order. If a connection has windows in a user-defined desktop which does not yet exist, this desktop is queued directly after the corresponding connection desktop. If windows of a connection already exist in several user-defined desktops, their tabs are queued alphabetically.

Objects can be dragged and dropped from one desktop to another. The target desktop is displayed when an object - mouse button held down - is dragged to one of the desktop's tabs in the status bar. In doing so, it can be stored in the Explorer of the destination desktop. In this case, the object is not moved but copied.

Although each desktop can display different windows, the Message Window and the System Overview remain the same. Both always show the same content.

User-defined desktops are stored and still available when you log on to the UserInterface the next time. If defined, the main windows such as Explorer, Activity Window, Message Window and System Overview are also displayed in the same way.

A global license is required in order to open several connections. Without this special license, only one additional connection can be established to the system client 0000.