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 Remote Task Manager - Execution

You can activate several RemoteTaskManagers that use the same agent. However, overlaps may occur because of the filter criteria that have been specified. AE ensures that a non-AE operation is only shown in one RemoteTaskManager. Automic recommends avoiding that filter criteria overlap when you set them in active RemoteTaskManagers.

In PeopleSoft, the assignment of process-request instance numbers can be reset (e.g. from 200000 to 100000). This is an unusual procedure that has the effect that the PSPRCSRQST table is cleared. Otherwise, the problem of "duplicate keys" would occur. The RemoteTaskManager must be ended and re-activated when the instance number has been reset. There must be no PeopleSoft processes in the AE activities, because otherwise queue items would be missing.

Displaying and Tracing Non-AE Operations

The Activity Window displays external procedures that comply with the filter criteria as subtasks of the RemoteTaskManager (the hierarchical view must be activated for this purpose). This does not apply for jobs that have been started by AE, because the RemoteTaskManager exclusively deals with non-AE operations. When a non-AE operation ends, it is no longer displayed in the Activity Window.

Canceled child tasks always remain in the Activity Window and can be deactivated there.

Note that filtering for active SAP jobs can supply incomplete results. Jobs are matched with the SAP system through polling (in intervals). The RemoteTaskManager only displays jobs that are active at this point in time. If a job is started within a particular interval and ends immediately afterwards, it is not shown in the RemoteTaskManager.

You can also access the statistics of non-AE operations via the RemoteTaskManager's statistics. The corresponding report is available when the setting "Transfer job reports to DB" has been activated in the Attributes tab.

SAP Process chains 

The SAP agent retrieves all the process chains that comply with the specified filter criteria. If the filters only apply to the child processes of a process chain, only the child processes will be displayed. If the process chain parent and the child(ren) comply with the criteria, their structure will also be displayed in the Activity Window (the hierarchical view must be activated for this purpose).

Process chains that have ended successfully are automatically removed from the Activity Window. Aborted chains remain in it as subordinate tasks of the RemoteTaskManager.

You can also restart process chains. In the Activity Window's context menu, you can select the menu item "Modify task - Restart Remote" for this purpose.

The RemoteTaskManager cannnot identify process chains that were activated by an AE job and restarted in SAP.

Note that cold starting the SAP agent can have the effect that the processes that are shown in the RemoteTaskManager are lost.

Whether reports are available depends on what you have specified in the setting "Transfer job reports to DB" (Attributestab).

Controlling the Queue

The RemoteTaskManager does not only monitor but can also activate scheduled SAP jobs when the attribute "Start jobs" is set. Additionally, the maximum number of operations running parallel can also be controlled. The RemoteTaskManager then acts in the same way that a Group object acts.


RemoteTaskManager objects can be intercepted using the context menu command "Stop". Doing so has the effect that:

The "Go" command in the context menu cancels the "Stop" condition.


Canceling the RemoteTaskManager object has the following consequences:

The attribute "Start jobs" is set:

The attribute "Start jobs" is not set:


The same procedure applies as for RemoteTaskManagers that are canceled (except that it ends on status "ENDED_OK").

Note that jobs are only filtered once. The preliminary ending of a RemoteTaskManager which also starts jobs can trigger the start of non-assigned jobs. These jobs are not filtered when the RemoteTaskManager is reactivated and they can therefore not be controlled by AE.