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Inside Automation Engine > XML Files of Objects > RemoteTaskManager > Filter Specifications

 Filter Specifications

This document includes examples for the specific XML elements of the various RemoteTaskManager object types.

Processes in People Soft


<JOBQ_PS state="1">
<QmFilters HOSTAttrType="PS" QTypeMsgNr="6402" Text="PeopleSoft: Process Requests">
<filter MaxLen="30" MaxValue="0" MinValue="0" MsgNr="6011" Name="User Identification (Operator ID)" OR="0" Type="C">
<operator Op="E" Text="">
<row Value="SMITH"/>
<filter MaxLen="30" MaxValue="0" MinValue="0" MsgNr="6012" Name="Process Type" OR="0" Type="C">
<operator Op="E" Text="">
<row Value="SQR"/>
<filter MaxLen="12" MaxValue="0" MinValue="0" MsgNr="6013" Name="Process Name" OR="0" Type="C">
<operator Op="E" Text=""/>
<filter MaxLen="0" MaxValue="2147483647" MinValue="0" MsgNr="6014" Name="Process Instance" OR="0" Type="L">
<operator Op="G" Text=""/>
<operator Op="L" Text=""/>
<filter MaxLen="30" MaxValue="0" MinValue="0" MsgNr="6015" Name="Server name" OR="0" Type="C">
<operator Op="E" Text="">
<row Value="PSUNX"/>


All Jobs in SAP


<JOBQ_R3 state="1">
<QmFilters HOSTAttrType="R3" QTypeMsgNr="6400" Text="SAP: All Jobs">
<filter MaxLen="32" MaxValue="0" MinValue="0" MsgNr="6000" Name="Job name" OR="0" Type="C">
<operator Op="E">
<row Value="PRD*"/>
<filter MaxLen="8" MaxValue="0" MinValue="0" MsgNr="6001" Name="Job count" OR="0" Type="C">
<operator Op="E"/>
<filter MaxLen="12" MaxValue="0" MinValue="0" MsgNr="6002" Name="User name(job initiator)" OR="0" Type="C">
<operator Op="E"/>
<filter MaxLen="1" MaxValue="0" MinValue="0" MsgNr="6003" Name="job status" OR="1" Type="E">
<operator Op="E">
<row Value="6500|scheduled"/>
<filter MaxLen="0" MaxValue="0" MinValue="0" MsgNr="6004" Name="scheduled start time" OR="0" Type="T">
<operator Op="G">
<row Value="2005-10-11T00:00:00"/>
<operator Op="L">
<row Value="2005-10-11T03:00:00"/>
<filter MaxLen="1" MaxValue="0" MinValue="0" MsgNr="6005" Name="job without start date" OR="0" Type="E">
<operator Op="E"/>
<filter MaxLen="1" MaxValue="0" MinValue="0" MsgNr="6006" Name="jobs with start condition &quot;with predecessor&quot;" OR="0" Type="E">
<operator Op="E"/>
<filter MaxLen="32" MaxValue="0" MinValue="0" MsgNr="6007" Name="Event Identification" OR="0" Type="C">
<operator Op="E"/>
<filter MaxLen="64" MaxValue="0" MinValue="0" MsgNr="6008" Name="Event Parameter" OR="0" Type="C">
<operator Op="E"/>
<filter MaxLen="3" MaxValue="0" MinValue="0" MsgNr="6009" Name="Client" OR="0" Type="C">
<operator Op="E">
<row Value="050"/>
<filter MaxLen="12" MaxValue="0" MinValue="0" MsgNr="6010" Name="Job group" OR="0" Type="C">
<operator Op="E"/>


Intercepted Jobs in SAP


<JOBQ_R3 state="1">
<QmFilters HOSTAttrType="R3" QTypeMsgNr="6401" Text="SAP: Intercepted Jobs">
<filter MaxLen="32" MaxValue="0" MinValue="0" MsgNr="6000" Name="Job name" OR="0" Type="C">
<operator Op="E">
<row Value="PRD*"/>
<filter MaxLen="8" MaxValue="0" MinValue="0" MsgNr="6001" Name="Job count" OR="0" Type="C">
<operator Op="E"/>
<filter MaxLen="12" MaxValue="0" MinValue="0" MsgNr="6002" Name="User name (job initiator)" OR="0" Type="C">
<operator Op="E">
<row Value="SMITH"/>
<filter MaxLen="0" MaxValue="0" MinValue="0" MsgNr="6004" Name="scheduled start time" OR="0" Type="T">
<operator Op="G">
<row Value="2005-10-10T06:00:00"/>
<operator Op="L">
<row Value="2005-10-10T12:00:00"/>
<filter MaxLen="3" MaxValue="0" MinValue="0" MsgNr="6009" Name="Client" OR="0" Type="C">
<operator Op="E">
<row Value="033"/>


See also:

Export File of RemoteTaskManager
Export File Structure

XML File Structure for Imports and Exports