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User Guide > Objects > Working with Objects > Variable Selection Dialog

Variable Picker

You can use this selection dialog to select predefined variables and insert them in the text fields of attributes or the scripts of executable objects.

To open this dialog, click the variables... button which is available in the toolbar of open objects. Doing so requires the cursor to be positioned either in a text field in which values can be inserted or in AE Script. Otherwise, this button is grayed out.

Note that this dialog does not list all predefined variables. A complete list of variables for system and object values is available here.

In the attribute field or script, the variables are always inserted where the text cursor is positioned.

You can also open the Variable picker by entering { or &$ in a text field and pressing the ENTER key. Another option is to use the shortcut CTRL + L in the script editor.

Field/Element Description

Search filter for the selection of entries

Specify a filter and start the search by pressing the ENTER key or the button on the right side. All variables are searched if no particular category has been selected. The search is case-insensitive.

For a wildcard search use the * character.
Regardless of any wildcards, the system always searches for the search term's occurrence within entries (search scheme: *<term>*). The use of an individual wildcard character before or after the search text results in a list of terms which either end or start with the remaining text.

For example:
Searching the category "Object"

Filters Results
*Date* Date of script generation
Logical Date
Last Usage (date)
Date Date of script generation
Logical Date
Last Usage (date)
Date* Date of script generation
Last Usage (date)
*Date Logical Date
Date*object Date of last object usage
*Date*object* Date of last object usage

Only the first 5000 matches are displayed.


Selection of value origins

The following options are available:

  • AE system:
    The values refer to the AE system and are the same throughout the system.
    Example: Name of the AE system.

  • Object:
    Object-related values are either return codes of script elements (example: RunID of a restart) or the object's attributes (such as the agent name in jobs).
    Only variables for the attribute of the particular object type are listed.

  • AE variables:
    List of all Variable objects that are used for specifications within the AE system.
    For example: UC_CLIENT_SETTINGS
    When resolving the values, the system first searches the Variable object in the current client and then in the system client.

  • Variables:
    List of all the current client's Variable objects.
    For example: VARA.DB.1

The categories "variables" and "Variables" are not available if the dialog has been opened in the script editor.


Selection of a variable

The technical name of the predefined variable is shown in the "Variable name" field after a selection has been made. Only values are displayed that are allowed for the object type from which the dialog has been called.

In the categories "AE system" and "Object", these entries represent a short form of the relevant value. The language in which the user logged on to the UserInterface (German, English or French) is used. If the categories "Variable" or "variable" have been selected, the list displays the names of the Variable objects.


Formats for time or date values.
Only relevant for entries of the categories "AE system" and "Object".

After a format has been selected, the variable name is displayed accordingly. Example: &$DATE_yymmdd#

Important note: Some date and time formats include special characters which must not be used for variable names. The '_' character is always used as a separator in the variable name (instead of usual separators). At the end, another '_' plus an additional letter which identifies the original separator are appended to this format.

  • p = point
  • s = slash
  • d = dash


Dialog entry Date format Placeholder Value
&$DATE_format# DD/MM/YYYY &$DATE_DD_MM_YYYY_s# 23/04/2010
&$DATE_format# DD.MM.YYYY &$DATE_DD_MM_YYYY_p# 23.04.2010
&$DATE_format# DD-MM-YYYY &$DATE_DD_MM_YYYY_d# 23-04-2010

A list of all supported formats is included in the list of variables referring to system and object values.

Variable name

Name of the variable (including format if available) as it should be used in the attribute field or AE Script.

Predefined variables for system and object values always start with &$ and end with #. This character separation is required to distinguish them from script and object variables.
Example: &$DATE#

The object name enclosed in curly brackets { } serves as a variable for values of VARA objects. This syntax is automatically used when a Variable object has been selected and inserted using this dialog.
Example: {VARA.SYSVAL}

The document Using Variable Objects includes a list of all attributes in which predefined variables can be used.


Description of the selected entry. This field is read only and cannot be edited.

A description of system and object values is provided in the list of predefined variables. The title of Variable objects is displayed.

See also:

About Predefined Variables
List of Predefined Variables for System and Object Values
Using Predefined Variables