Administration Guide > Configuration > Settings in Variables > UC_LOGIN_TYPES - Defining Additional Platform and System Types for Login Objects

UC_LOGIN_TYPES - Defining Additional Platform and System Types for Login Objects

You can use this variable in order to define additional platform and system types for Login objects.

This variable is supplied in the client "0000". Its setting applies throughout the whole AE system when changed in the client "0000".

It is possible to export the object from client "0000" and import it in another client. When you do, the list in the Login objects will then take the settings from the UC_LOGIN_TYPES variable in that client.

By default, you can only select the platform types of agents in the Type column of Login objects. You can use the variable UC_LOGIN_TYPES in order to define additional types which will then be listed in the dropdown field of the Type column.

Note that a Type name that exceeds the maximum length of 32 characters will be shown in a truncated form in the Login objects.



Restart required?

The name of the type.

Maximum value: 32 characters

A description of the type (optional)


See also: