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Definition of table: EEDB - event attributes

generated: 09.12.2016 10:27:04
by UC2010.accdb

AE Database 12.0 (Step 013)

Name Type Len Attributes Description
EEDB_AH_Idnr Long Integer 4 UC: Null=False Reference to archive header
EEDB_OP1_Status Long Integer 4 UC: Null=True Status of query execution (1310 Operation not initiated, 1577 Operation initiated, 1870 Operation failed, 1970 Operation successful)
EEDB_OP1_Type Text 6 UC: Null=True Type of query (SQL, STATIC, VARA)
EEDB_OP1_Sql Memo 0 UC: L=4096 Null=True SQL Command
EEDB_OP1_Server Text 200 UC: Null=True DB Servername
EEDB_OP1_Db Text 200 UC: Null=True DB Name
EEDB_OP1_File Text 200 UC: Null=True DB Filename (MS-Access)
EEDB_OP1_Vara Text 200 UC: Null=True UC4 variable object name
EEDB_OP1_Keyword Text 200 UC: Null=True Uc4 variable keyword
EEDB_OP1_Static Text 255 UC: Null=True Static value expression
EEDB_OP2_Status Long Integer 4 UC: Null=True Status of query execution (1310 Operation not initiated, 1577 Operation initiated, 1870 Operation failed, 1970 Operation successful)
EEDB_OP2_Type Text 6 UC: Null=True Type of query (SQL, STATIC, VARA)
EEDB_OP2_Sql Memo 0 UC: L=4096 Null=True SQL Command
EEDB_OP2_Server Text 200 UC: Null=True DB Servername
EEDB_OP2_Db Text 200 UC: Null=True DB Name
EEDB_OP2_File Text 200 UC: Null=True DB Filename (MS-Access)
EEDB_OP2_Vara Text 200 UC: Null=True UC4 variable object name
EEDB_OP2_Keyword Text 200 UC: Null=True Uc4 variable keyword
EEDB_OP2_Static Text 255 UC: Null=True Static value expression


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