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Definition of table: MQ1RWP - Resource Work Queue

generated: 09.12.2016 10:28:07
by UC2010.accdb

AE Database 12.0 (Step 013)

Name Type Len Attributes Description
MQRWP_PK Long Integer 4 UC: Null=False Typ=Auto Primary Key
MQRWP_System Text 8 UC: Null=True UC4 System Name
MQRWP_CAddr Text 32 UC: Null=True Call Address
MQRWP_CSRName Text 8 UC: Null=True Call Routine Name
MQRWP_CAcv Long Integer 4 UC: Null=True Call ACV
MQRWP_BAddr Text 32 UC: Null=True Back Address
MQRWP_BSRName Text 8 UC: Null=True Back Routine Name
MQRWP_BAcv Long Integer 4 UC: Null=True Back ACV
MQRWP_FAddr Text 32 UC: Null=True From Address
MQRWP_LogAddr Text 32 UC: Null=True Logical Address
MQRWP_PhysAddr Text 32 UC: Null=True Physical Address
MQRWP_BTable Text 8 UC: Null=True Back Table (MQCP001, MQCP002...)
MQRWP_SchedTime Date/Time 8 UC: Null=True Scheduling Time
MQRWP_Status Long Integer 4 UC: Null=True Status (0=not sended, 1=sended)
MQRWP_Priority Long Integer 4 UC: Null=True Priority (0=high, 255=low)
MQRWP_DRole Text 32 UC: Null=True Destination Role (e.g. "*PRIMARY")
MQRWP_LAddr Text 32 UC: Null=True Server processes this message now
MQRWP_Len Long Integer 4 UC: Null=True Length
MQRWP_Msg Memo 0 UC: Typ=blob L=0 Null=True inlinelength=30000 db2lobsize=128_M Message Content


Name Fields
NK_MQ1RWP_Prio MQRWP_Priority, MQRWP_SchedTime, MQRWP_PK
NK_MQ1RWP_SchTime MQRWP_SchedTime

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