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Definition of table: OOA - call operator attributes

generated: 09.12.2016 10:28:39
by UC2010.accdb

AE Database 12.0 (Step 013)

Name Type Len Attributes Description
OOA_OH_Idnr Long Integer 4 UC: Null=False reference to the object header (OH)
OOA_EscTime Long Integer 4 UC: Null=True escalation time in minutes
OOA_Object Text 200 UC: Null=True object name
OOA_ActAtRun Byte 1 UC: Typ=Boolean Null=True activation at runtime?
OOA_Type Byte 1 UC: Null=True call operator type 0=question, 1=message, 2=alarm, 3=email
OOA_Priority Byte 1 UC: Null=True priority: 1= high, 2 = normal, 3 = low
OOA_Text Memo 0 UC: Null=True L=0 Typ=clob inlinelength=8004 text to send
OOA_Execute Text 255 UC: Null=True action to be executed (e.g. play .wav file)
OOA_StartType Text 200 UC: Null=True start type
OOA_IntAccount Text 16 UC: Null=True account
OOA_AutoDeact Text 1 UC: Null=True J=Quit automatically on escalation
OOA_External Long Integer 4 UC: Null=True bit array for external notification 1=SNMP, 2=eMail
OOA_Subject Text 255 UC: Null=True subject (for mail)
OOA_AttachReports Text 32 UC: Null=True RunID or a script variable which returns a runID
OOA_AttachFile Text 255 UC: Null=True Path of a file to attach
OOA_ReportSrc Byte 1 UC: Null=True Source of attached reports (0=Database, 1=Ext. files, 2=All)


Name Fields
NK_OOA_Execute OOA_Execute
NK_OOA_Object OOA_Object

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