Definition of table: LASLM - Monitoring table

generated: 09.12.2016 10:27:53
by UC2010.accdb

AE Database 12.0 (Step 013)

Name Type Len Attributes Description
LASLM_Client Integer 2 UC: Null=True number of the client
LASLM_AH_Idnr Long Integer 4 UC: Null=False reference to AH of SLO
LASLM_SloName Text 200 UC: Null=True SLO object name
LASLM_ServName Text 200 UC: Null=True Service object name
LASLM_ServOType Text 8 UC: Null=True Service object type
LASLM_ServRunId Long Integer 4 UC: Null=True Service RunId
LASLM_ServFStatus Long Integer 4 UC: Null=True Service fulfillment status/ status message number
LASLM_ServMsgNr Long Integer 4 UC: Null=True reason of violation
LASLM_ServMsgIns Text 255 UC: Null=True L=1024 message insert
LASLM_ServOH_Idnr Long Integer 4 UC: Null=True reference to OH of service object
LASLM_DetectTime Date/Time 8 UC: Null=True Fulfillment detection time
LASLM_Idnr Long Integer 4 UC: Null=False Typ=Auto Auto increment field as primary key
LASLM_Date Date/Time 8 UC: Null=True date, used to check if there is already an entry for a certain day. Contains only the date, no time
LASLM_OH_Idnr Long Integer 4 UC: Null=True OH_Idnr of the SLO objec
LASLM_LastUpdate Date/Time 8 UC: Null=True Timestamp updated whenever a row is changed in LASLM to help analytics to identify new data


Name Fields
NK_LASLM_DetectTime LASLM_DetectTime

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