Definition of table: UC_ZDU - Memory distribution

generated: 09.12.2016 10:29:11
by UC2010.accdb

AE Database 12.0 (Step 013)

Name Type Len Attributes Description
ZDU_PK Long Integer 4 UC: Null=False Primary Key
ZDU_MQSet Text 1 UC: Null=True 1 for new MQ1* and 2 for new MQ2*
ZDU_Version Text 255 UC: Null=True AE System Version
ZDU_Active Byte 1 UC: Typ=Boolean Null=True boolean = TRUE if the Version is active
ZDU_Base Byte 1 UC: Typ=Boolean Null=True boolean = TRUE if Its the base Version
ZDU_UcsjChngeList Text 50 UC: Null=True the last changeList number of UCSJ
ZDU_CpChngeList Text 50 UC: Null=True the last changeList number of CP
ZDU_JwpChngeList Text 50 UC: Null=True the last changeList number of JWP
ZDU_WpChngeList Text 50 UC: Null=True the last changeList number of WP


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