Name Type MSSql Type Oracle Type DB2 Type Postgresql Nullable Description
OVW_OH_Idnr int NUMBER(38,0) int int false ID to the STATIC or XML variable object.
OVW_VValue varchar (200) VARCHAR2 (200 CHAR) varchar(200) varchar (200) false The identification key.
OVW_OH_Client smallint NUMBER(38,0) smallint smallint true The reference to OH_Client.
OVW_VRName varchar (4) VARCHAR2 (4 CHAR) varchar(4) varchar (4) true Name of the validity range (e.g. *, FREI, HON - see reference table UC_OVGB).
OVW_Value1 varchar(max) CLOB clob(20480 k) INLINE LENGTH 1024 COMPACT text true Text representation of value column 1.
OVW_Value2 varchar(max) CLOB clob(20480 k) INLINE LENGTH 1024 COMPACT text true Text representation of value column 2.
OVW_Value3 varchar(max) CLOB clob(20480 k) INLINE LENGTH 1024 COMPACT text true Text representation of value column 3.
OVW_Value4 varchar(max) CLOB clob(20480 k) INLINE LENGTH 1024 COMPACT text true Text representation of value column 4.
OVW_Value5 varchar(max) CLOB clob(20480 k) INLINE LENGTH 1024 COMPACT text true Text representation of value column 5.
OVW_ValueX xml XMLTYPE xml xml true XML data for XML variable object.


Name Fields Primary Unique Clustered Nonclustered
NK_OVW_VValue OVW_OH_Client, OVW_VRName, OVW_VValue false false false false
PK_OVW OVW_OH_Idnr, OVW_VValue true true true false
NK_OVW_VRNAME OVW_VRNAME false false false false

Foreign Keys:

Name Local References Foreign References

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