Name Type MSSql Type Oracle Type DB2 Type Postgresql Nullable Description
IY_AH_Idnr int NUMBER(38,0) int int false reference to the executive header (EH)
IY_Lnr smallint NUMBER(38,0) smallint smallint false ascending number of the element
IY_SyncName varchar (200) VARCHAR2 (200 CHAR) varchar(200) varchar (200) true SYNC object being used
IY_StartAction varchar (30) VARCHAR2 (30 CHAR) varchar(30) varchar (30) true start action for checking the SYNC object
IY_EndAction varchar (30) VARCHAR2 (30 CHAR) varchar(30) varchar (30) true action to be taken when the task ends normally
IY_AbendAction varchar (30) VARCHAR2 (30 CHAR) varchar(30) varchar (30) true action to be taken when the task ends abnormally
IY_Else char (1) CHAR (1 CHAR) char(1) char (1) true wait/abend if SYNC could not be reserved
IY_Status int NUMBER(38,0) int int false value of this SYNC clause
IY_FiFoNr bigint NUMBER(38,0) bigint bigint true FirstInFirstOut Ranking
IY_SType char (1) CHAR (1 CHAR) char(1) char (1) true space=local, G=global
IY_Client smallint NUMBER(38,0) smallint smallint true Client
IY_Name varchar (200) VARCHAR2 (200 CHAR) varchar(200) varchar (200) true Task Name
IY_Action char (1) CHAR (1 CHAR) char(1) char (1) true Action (E=End, A=Abend)


Name Fields Primary Unique Clustered Nonclustered
PK_IY IY_AH_Idnr, IY_Lnr true true true false

Foreign Keys:

Name Local References Foreign References

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