Name Type MSSql Type Oracle Type DB2 Type Postgresql Nullable Description
JPA_OH_Idnr int NUMBER(38,0) int int false ID of the workflow.
JPA_Name varchar (8) VARCHAR2 (8 CHAR) varchar(8) varchar (8) true Currently unused.
JPA_IntAccount varchar (16) VARCHAR2 (16 CHAR) varchar(16) varchar (16) true Name of the internal account.
JPA_AutoDeact char (1) CHAR (1 CHAR) char(1) char (1) true Currently unused.
JPA_StartType varchar (200) VARCHAR2 (200 CHAR) varchar(200) varchar (200) true Start type of the job.
JPA_ActAtRun smallint NUMBER(38,0) smallint smallint true Indicates that the object is generated at runtime or at activation time.
JPA_DeactDelay int NUMBER(38,0) int int true Currently unused.
JPA_DeactWhen varchar (30) VARCHAR2 (30 CHAR) varchar(30) varchar (30) true Currently unused.
JPA_RWhen varchar (30) VARCHAR2 (30 CHAR) varchar(30) varchar (30) true The status range for a successful run.
JPA_RExecute varchar (200) VARCHAR2 (200 CHAR) varchar(200) varchar (200) true Alarm object that is activated if a run fails.
JPA_ReuseHostGroup smallint NUMBER(38,0) smallint smallint true Indicates, that the agent group resolution is re-used within the workflow. 0 = No, 1 = Yes
JPA_SubType char (2) CHAR (2 CHAR) char(2) char (2) true Indicates the type of the sub-type of the workflow. empty = standard workflow, IF = if workflow, FE = foreach workflow
JPA_Deployment smallint NUMBER(38,0) smallint smallint true Is deployment tab active or not.
JPA_WFType smallint NUMBER(38,0) smallint smallint true Type of the deployment workflow. 0 = standard workflow, 1 = application workflow, 2 = component workflow
JPA_AppName varchar (200) VARCHAR2 (200 CHAR) varchar(200) varchar (200) true Name of the deployment application.
JPA_ComponentName varchar (200) VARCHAR2 (200 CHAR) varchar(200) varchar (200) true Name of the deployment component.
JPA_WFName varchar (200) VARCHAR2 (200 CHAR) varchar(200) varchar (200) true Name of the deployment workflow.
JPA_PassPrio smallint NUMBER(38,0) smallint smallint true Pass the workflow priority onto its children.


Name Fields Primary Unique Clustered Nonclustered
NK_JPA_AppWFName JPA_AppName, JPA_WFName false false false false
NK_JPA_RExecute JPA_RExecute false false false false
PK_JPA JPA_OH_Idnr true true true false

Foreign Keys:

Name Local References Foreign References

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