Name Type MSSql Type Oracle Type DB2 Type Postgresql Nullable Description
OKB_OH_Idnr int NUMBER(38,0) int int false ID of the calendar object.
OKB_Lnr smallint NUMBER(38,0) smallint smallint false Sequenced number for the calendar events.
OKB_Name varchar (200) VARCHAR2 (200 CHAR) varchar(200) varchar (200) true Name of the calendar event.
OKB_DefFrom datetime DATE timestamp timestamp true The default timestamp the calendar event is valid from.
OKB_DefTo datetime DATE timestamp timestamp true The default timestamp the calendar event is valid until.
OKB_CType char (1) CHAR (1 CHAR) char(1) char (1) true Type of the calendar event. Y = yearly, M = monthly, W = weekly, S = static, R = roll, G = group, O = old-fashioned calendar event
OKB_SType char (1) CHAR (1 CHAR) char(1) char (1) true Sub-type of the calendar event. A = absolute, R = relative, I = interval, ' ' = none (used for ROLL or Group)
OKB_ValidFrom datetime DATE timestamp timestamp true The timestamp the calendar event is valid from.
OKB_ValidTo datetime DATE timestamp timestamp true The timestamp the calendar event is valid until.
OKB_MsgNr int NUMBER(38,0) int int true Message number for national holiday calendars.
OKB_ErrMsgNr int NUMBER(38,0) int int true Error message number.
OKB_ErrMsgInsert varchar (1024) VARCHAR2 (1024 CHAR) varchar(1024) varchar (1024) true Inserts for the error message.
OKB_Period smallint NUMBER(38,0) smallint smallint true Defines the period (every n).
OKB_PeriodStart smallint NUMBER(38,0) smallint smallint true Defines the start of the period (e.g. month 02).
OKB_PeriodEnd smallint NUMBER(38,0) smallint smallint true Defines the end of the period (e.g. month 02).
OKB_DefDays varchar(2600) VARCHAR2 (2600 CHAR) varchar(2600) varchar(2600) true Defined days (24.12;31.12;) or (1;3;12) or (SU;MO;WE)
OKB_Interval smallint NUMBER(38,0) smallint smallint true Defines the interval (every n days)
OKB_Direction char (1) CHAR (1 CHAR) char(1) char (1) true The direction. B = begin, E = end
OKB_IntervalStart varchar (4) VARCHAR2 (4 CHAR) varchar(4) varchar (4) true Start of the interval. Formats: DDMM or DD
OKB_IntervalEnd varchar (4) VARCHAR2 (4 CHAR) varchar(4) varchar (4) true End of the interval. Formats: DDMM or DD
OKB_RCaleName varchar (200) VARCHAR2 (200 CHAR) varchar(200) varchar (200) true Name of the calendar (basis for ROLL calendar)
OKB_RCaleKeyName varchar (200) VARCHAR2 (200 CHAR) varchar(200) varchar (200) true Name of the calendar event (basis for ROLL calendar)
OKB_RCaleAdjust smallint NUMBER(38,0) smallint smallint true Adjustment in days.
OKB_RCaleOperator char (1) CHAR (1 CHAR) char(1) char (1) true Operator for ROLL calendars. + = shift forward, - = shift backward
OKB_RCaleOffset smallint NUMBER(38,0) smallint smallint true days for ROLL calendars. 0 = adjust to next workingday according to operator; >0 = adjust to next workingday according to operator plus offset of working days
OKB_RCaleRef smallint NUMBER(38,0) smallint smallint true Indicates that a calendar is used for reference.
OKB_RRCaleName varchar (200) VARCHAR2 (200 CHAR) varchar(200) varchar (200) true Name of the referred calendar object.
OKB_RRCaleKeyName varchar (200) VARCHAR2 (200 CHAR) varchar(200) varchar (200) true Name of the referred calendar event.


Name Fields Primary Unique Clustered Nonclustered
NK_OKB_RCale OKB_RCaleName, OKB_RCaleKeyName false false false false
NK_OKB_RRCale OKB_RRCaleName, OKB_RRCaleKeyName false false false false
PK_OKB OKB_OH_Idnr, OKB_Lnr true true true false
UK_OKB_Key OKB_OH_Idnr, OKB_Name false true false false

Foreign Keys:

Name Local References Foreign References

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