Name Type MSSql Type Oracle Type DB2 Type Postgresql Nullable Description
OVP_OH_Idnr int NUMBER(38,0) int int false ID of the object.
OVP_Lnr smallint NUMBER(38,0) smallint smallint false Sequenced number for the validation periods.
OVP_CaleName varchar (200) VARCHAR2 (200 CHAR) varchar(200) varchar (200) true Name of the calendar.
OVP_CaleKeyName varchar (200) VARCHAR2 (200 CHAR) varchar(200) varchar (200) true Name of the calendar event.
OVP_From char (4) CHAR (4 CHAR) char(4) char (4) true From-time of the validation period. Format: HHMM
OVP_To char (4) CHAR (4 CHAR) char(4) char (4) true End-time of the validation period. Format: HHMM
OVP_Max int NUMBER(38,0) int int true Maximum number of slots within the queue.
OVP_UC4Priority smallint NUMBER(38,0) smallint smallint true Defines the priority.
OVP_Description varchar (255) VARCHAR2 (255 CHAR) varchar(255) varchar (255) true Stores the description.


Name Fields Primary Unique Clustered Nonclustered
PK_OVP OVP_OH_Idnr, OVP_Lnr true true true false

Foreign Keys:

Name Local References Foreign References

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