Class GetChangeLog

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class GetChangeLog extends XMLRequest implements Iterable<GetChangeLog.Entry>
Returns a list of recent changes in the current client. This information is only available if the OBJECT_AUDIT parameter is set to "Y" in UC_CLIENT_SETTINGS.
  • Constructor Details

    • GetChangeLog

      public GetChangeLog()
      Creates a new GetChangeLog request without filters (everything is returned). The setter methods in this class can be used set filters.
  • Method Details

    • createRequest

      protected void createRequest(com.uc4.util.XMLDocument doc, Element request, ConnectionAttributes sessionInfo)
      Description copied from class: XMLRequest
      Creates the XML Document for the request. This method is used internally.
      Specified by:
      createRequest in class XMLRequest
      doc - Document, used to create new Elements
      request - Request Element - classes append information to this request element
      sessionInfo - Information about the session
    • handleContent

      protected void handleContent(com.uc4.util.XMLDocument doc, ConnectionAttributes session)
      Description copied from class: XMLRequest
      Sub classes extract the values from the XML document and provide public getter methods.
      handleContent in class XMLRequest
      doc - XML Document
      session - Info about the user session
    • getSrc

      protected String getSrc()
      Description copied from class: XMLRequest
      Returns the request source. This method is used internally.
      Specified by:
      getSrc in class XMLRequest
    • iterator

      public Iterator<GetChangeLog.Entry> iterator()
      Specified by:
      iterator in interface Iterable<GetChangeLog.Entry>
    • isAllowedInClientZero

      protected boolean isAllowedInClientZero()
      Description copied from class: XMLRequest
      This method is used internally. Tests if this XMLRequest is allowed in client 0. The default implementation returns false, subclasses may override.
      isAllowedInClientZero in class XMLRequest
      true if this request is allowed in client 0, false otherwise
    • size

      public int size()
      Returns the number of rows in the result list.
      Row count
    • setMaxResultCount

      public void setMaxResultCount(int max)
      Sets the maximum number of rows in the returned result list. The default value is 50.
      max - Max number of rows or zero to disable the limit.
    • setMessagesBefore

      public void setMessagesBefore(DateTime offsetTimestamp)
      Sets a filter for the message timestamp. Only actions which happened before this timestamp are returned. *
      offsetTimestamp - Max date and time
    • setUserObjectName

      public void setUserObjectName(String userObjectName)
      Sets a filter for the object name of the user who did the change (for example USER/DEPARTMENT).
      userObjectName - Filter for User object
    • setFirstNameFilter

      public void setFirstNameFilter(String firstNameFilter)
      Sets the filter for the first name of the user who did the change.
      firstNameFilter - First name filter, max. 20 characters
    • setLastNameFilter

      public void setLastNameFilter(String lastNameFilter)
      Sets the filter for the last name of the user who did the change.
      lastNameFilter - Last name, max. 20 characters
    • setObjectName

      public void setObjectName(String objectName)
      Sets a filter for the object name.
      objectName - Filter for the object name
    • setChangeType

      public boolean setChangeType(String type, boolean value)
      Sets the filter for the type of the change (Object modified, Objects created, ...).
      type - Possible values are:
      • CANCEL Aborts tasks
      • CREATE Creates new objects
      • DELETE Deletes objects
      • IMPORT Imports objects
      • MOVE Moves objects
      • OBJ_MOD Object modifications
      • RENAME Renames objects
      • RESTART Restarts tasks
      • RESTORE Restores objects
      • RUN_MOD Modifies at runtime
      • START Starts tasks
      • TRNSPRT Transports objects
      value - true to enable the filter for the specified type and false to disable it.
      true if the filter was set successfully, false if the type is not supported.
    • unselectAllChangeTypes

      public void unselectAllChangeTypes()
      Unselect all types of changes.
    • selectAllChangeTypes

      public void selectAllChangeTypes()
      Select all types of changes.
    • selectAllObjects

      public void selectAllObjects()
      Select all object types.
    • unselectAllObjects

      public void unselectAllObjects()
      Unselect all object types.
    • setObjectType

      public boolean setObjectType(String objectType, boolean value)
      Sets the filter for object types.
      objectType - Object type, for example JOBS or JOBP
      value - true to enable the filter for the specified object type or false to disable it.
      true if the filter was set successfully