Class NotificationState


public class NotificationState extends XMLRequest
Finds the highest Notification priority for current user.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • NotificationState

      public NotificationState()
  • Method Details

    • getSrc

      protected String getSrc()
      Description copied from class: XMLRequest
      Returns the request source. This method is used internally.
      Specified by:
      getSrc in class XMLRequest
    • createRequest

      protected void createRequest(com.uc4.util.XMLDocument doc, Element request, ConnectionAttributes sessionInfo)
      Description copied from class: XMLRequest
      Creates the XML Document for the request. This method is used internally.
      Specified by:
      createRequest in class XMLRequest
      doc - Document, used to create new Elements
      request - Request Element - classes append information to this request element
      sessionInfo - Information about the session
    • handleContent

      protected void handleContent(com.uc4.util.XMLDocument doc, ConnectionAttributes session)
      Description copied from class: XMLRequest
      Sub classes extract the values from the XML document and provide public getter methods.
      handleContent in class XMLRequest
      doc - XML Document
      session - Info about the user session
    • isPriorityHigh

      public boolean isPriorityHigh()
      Returns true if a Notification with high priority exists for this user.
      Boolean which is set to true if an unanswered high priority Notification exists for this user in the current client
    • isPriorityMedium

      public boolean isPriorityMedium()
      Returns true if a Notification with medium priority exists for this user. This method returns false if there is an open high priority Notification.
      Boolean which is set to true if an unanswered medium priority Notification exists for this user in the current client
    • isPriorityLow

      public boolean isPriorityLow()
      Returns true if a Notification with low priority exists for this user. This method returns false if there are Notifications with high or medium priority.
      Boolean which is set to true if an unanswered low priority Notification exists for this user in the current client
    • hasNotification

      public boolean hasNotification()
      Indicates if there is an open Notification for this user or usergroup. The methods isPriorityHigh, isPriorityMedium and isPriorityLow can be used to determine the Notification priority. If this method returns false none of the above methods will return true.
      Boolean which is set to true if an unanswered Notification exists for this user in the current client
    • isAllowedInClientZero

      protected boolean isAllowedInClientZero()
      Description copied from class: XMLRequest
      This method is used internally. Tests if this XMLRequest is allowed in client 0. The default implementation returns false, subclasses may override.
      isAllowedInClientZero in class XMLRequest
      true if this request is allowed in client 0, false otherwise