Name Type MSSql Type Oracle Type DB2 Type Postgresql Nullable Description
MQMEM_PK int NUMBER(38,0) int int false Primary Key
MQMEM_System varchar (8) VARCHAR2 (8 CHAR) varchar(8) varchar (8) true UC4 System Name
MQMEM_Title varchar (60) VARCHAR2 (60 CHAR) varchar(60) varchar (60) true Memory Title
MQMEM_Len int NUMBER(38,0) int int true Memory Length
MQMEM_Content varbinary(max) BLOB blob(20480 k) INLINE LENGTH 30000 COMPACT bytea true Memory Content
MQMEM_Version smallint NUMBER(38,0) smallint smallint true MQMEM version
MQMEM_MQSet char (1) CHAR (1 CHAR) char(1) char (1) true 1 for new MQ1* and 2 for new MQ2*
MQMEM_AH_Idnr int NUMBER(38,0) int int true Reference to the active task in the activity window (EH)
MQMEM_CrDate datetime DATE timestamp timestamp true Displays the creation date of the entry
MQMEM_MsgInfo varchar (64) VARCHAR2 (64 CHAR) varchar(64) varchar (64) true Information about this MQMEM entry process and with which message this entry will be sent as BACV, client-routine-activity-message e.g. 0100-UCDS_R-XEXECUTE-AKTX


Name Fields Primary Unique Clustered Nonclustered
PK_MQMEM MQMEM_PK true true true false

Foreign Keys:

Name Local References Foreign References

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