Class QueueAttributes

  • public class QueueAttributes
    extends java.lang.Object
    This class represents the "Queue" tab of a Queue object. Methods in this class can be used to read and modify the Queue object.
    • Constructor Detail

      • QueueAttributes

        protected QueueAttributes​(com.uc4.util.XMLDocument doc)
    • Method Detail

      • store

        protected void store​(com.uc4.util.XMLDocument doc,
                             org.w3c.dom.Element objectElement)
      • getExceptionCount

        public int getExceptionCount()
        Number of QueueExceptionCondition for this Queue.
      • exceptionIterator

        public java.util.Iterator<QueueExceptionCondition> exceptionIterator()
        The returned java.util.Iterator can be used to read the list of exception conditions of this Queue. The remove method of the Iterator can be used to remove date/time conditions.
        Iterator over QueueExceptionCondition
      • clearExceptionConditons

        public void clearExceptionConditons()
        Clears the list of ExceptionConditons.
      • addExceptionCondition

        public void addExceptionCondition​(QueueExceptionCondition cond)
        Adds a new QueueExceptionCondition to the list of exceptions. The new element is added at the end of the list.
        cond - Instance of a QueueExceptionCondition class
      • getMaxSlots

        public int getMaxSlots()
        The maximum number of slots or -1 if unlimited.
      • setMaxSlots

        public void setMaxSlots​(int maxSlots)
        Sets the maximum number of slots for this Queue. The value -1 can be used to set max slots to unlimited.
        maxSlots - Positive Integer between 0 and 100000 or -1 for unlimited
      • getPriority

        public int getPriority()
        Priority with which this Queue should be executed in UC4. Permitted values: 0 to 255
        Default: 0
        1 stands for highest, 255 for lowest priority. If 0 is chosen, the priority defined in the UC_CLIENT_SETTINGS variables with TASK_PRIORITY for local clients is used. If no default priority is set or if no variable is present in the local clients, then 200 is assigned as the valid priority.
      • setPriority

        public void setPriority​(int priority)
        Priority with which this Queue should be executed in UC4. Permitted values: 0 to 255
        Default: 0
        1 stands for highest, 255 for lowest priority. If 0 is chosen, the priority defined in the UC_CLIENT_SETTINGS variables with TASK_PRIORITY for local clients is used. If no default priority is set or if no variable is present in the local clients, then 200 is assigned as the valid priority.
        priority - Priority
      • isConsiderERT

        public boolean isConsiderERT()
        true if the Estimated Runtime should be considered for the calculation.
      • setConsiderERT

        public void setConsiderERT​(boolean considerERT)
        Sets a flag to define if the Estimated Runtime should be considered for the calculation.
        considerERT - true if the Estimated Runtime should be considered for the calculation, false otherwise
      • setTimezone

        public void setTimezone​(UC4TimezoneName timezone)
        Sets the timezone of the Queue object.
        timezone - Timezone