Class Runtime

  • public class Runtime
    extends java.lang.Object
    The "Runtime" tab is an object class-specific tab that is found in every executable object in UC4.

    It is used for setting parameters for a task's runtime behavior.

    The "Runtime" tab is structured as follows:
    • Handling of Return Code
    • Setting of the Forecast
    • Evaluating the estimated runtime (Runtime Evaluation)
    • Supervising the maximum runtime (Runtime Supervision)
    • Supervising the minimum runtime (Runtime Supervision)
    • Reaction to exceeding or falling below runtime (Runtime Supervision)
    • Constructor Summary

      Modifier Constructor Description
      protected Runtime​(com.uc4.util.XMLDocument doc)  
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      EstimatedRuntime estimatedRuntime()
      Returns a EstimatedRuntime which can be used to set the estimated runtime settings.
      UC4ObjectName getExecuteObject()
      Returns the object which is executed when the runtime exceeds or falls below the specified limits.
      ForecastTaskState getForecastState()
      Returns the status, which should be returned by this task when making a forecast.
      int getMaxRetCode()
      Returns the maximum Return Code for the normal end of a task.
      UC4ObjectName getRetCodeExecuteObject()
      Returns the name of the Automation Engine Object which should be executed when the actual return code is higher than the maximum allowed return code.
      StepListItem[] getStepList()
      Returns teh OS 390 Step List.
      boolean isCancelJobAboveMRT()
      Returns true if the exceeding runtime will initiate a cancel or the completion of the task.
      MaximumRuntime maximumRuntime()
      Returns a MaximumRuntime which can be used to modify the maximum runtime settings.
      MinimumRuntime minimumRuntime()
      Returns a MinimumRuntime which can be used to modify the minimum runtime settings.
      void setCancelJobAboveMRT​(boolean cancelJobAboveMRT)
      If cancelJobAboveMRT is set to true the exceeding runtime will initiate a cancel or the completion of the task.
      void setExecuteObject​(UC4ObjectName executeObject)
      Sets the object which is executed when the runtime exceeds or falls below the specified limits.
      void setForecastState​(ForecastTaskState forecastState)
      Sets the end status, which should be returned by this task when making a forecast.
      void setMaxRetCode​(int maxRetCode)
      Sets the maximum Return Code for the normal end of a task or Step list for OS/390 Jobs.
      void setRetCodeExecuteObject​(UC4ObjectName retCodeExecuteObject)
      Sets the name of the Automation Engine Object which should be executed when the actual return code is higher than the maximum allowed return code.
      void setStepList​(StepListItem[] stepList)
      Sets the Step List for OS 390 Jobs.
      protected void store​(com.uc4.util.XMLDocument doc, org.w3c.dom.Element request)  
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • Runtime

        protected Runtime​(com.uc4.util.XMLDocument doc)
    • Method Detail

      • store

        protected void store​(com.uc4.util.XMLDocument doc,
                             org.w3c.dom.Element request)
      • getRetCodeExecuteObject

        public UC4ObjectName getRetCodeExecuteObject()
        Returns the name of the Automation Engine Object which should be executed when the actual return code is higher than the maximum allowed return code. If an Automation Engine Object is not set an empty UC4ObjectName instance is returned.
        Name of the Object that should be executed, never null
      • setRetCodeExecuteObject

        public void setRetCodeExecuteObject​(UC4ObjectName retCodeExecuteObject)
        Sets the name of the Automation Engine Object which should be executed when the actual return code is higher than the maximum allowed return code. To disable the execution of an Object call this method with null or an empty UC4ObjectName instance.
        retCodeExecuteObject - Name of the Object that should be executed, never null
      • maximumRuntime

        public MaximumRuntime maximumRuntime()
        Returns a MaximumRuntime which can be used to modify the maximum runtime settings.
      • isCancelJobAboveMRT

        public boolean isCancelJobAboveMRT()
        Returns true if the exceeding runtime will initiate a cancel or the completion of the task. Only available when the maximum runtime is being supervised.
        Boolean which is set to true if the object should be canceled when the runtime is exceeded
      • setCancelJobAboveMRT

        public void setCancelJobAboveMRT​(boolean cancelJobAboveMRT)
        If cancelJobAboveMRT is set to true the exceeding runtime will initiate a cancel or the completion of the task.
        cancelJobAboveMRT - Boolean which is set to true if the object should be canceled when the runtime is exceeded
      • getExecuteObject

        public UC4ObjectName getExecuteObject()
        Returns the object which is executed when the runtime exceeds or falls below the specified limits. Only available when runtime is being supervised.
        UC4ObjectName of the executed object
      • getStepList

        public StepListItem[] getStepList()
        Returns teh OS 390 Step List.
        Step List or null if there is none
      • setStepList

        public void setStepList​(StepListItem[] stepList)
        Sets the Step List for OS 390 Jobs.
        stepList - Step List
      • setExecuteObject

        public void setExecuteObject​(UC4ObjectName executeObject)
        Sets the object which is executed when the runtime exceeds or falls below the specified limits. Only available when runtime is being supervised.
        executeObject - UC4ObjectName of the executed object
      • estimatedRuntime

        public EstimatedRuntime estimatedRuntime()
        Returns a EstimatedRuntime which can be used to set the estimated runtime settings.
      • minimumRuntime

        public MinimumRuntime minimumRuntime()
        Returns a MinimumRuntime which can be used to modify the minimum runtime settings.
      • getMaxRetCode

        public int getMaxRetCode()
        Returns the maximum Return Code for the normal end of a task.
        Return Code
      • setMaxRetCode

        public void setMaxRetCode​(int maxRetCode)
        Sets the maximum Return Code for the normal end of a task or Step list for OS/390 Jobs. A task ends normally (Status "ENDED_OK") if its Return Code is less than or equal to the specified maximum Return Code. The Return Codes of the steps may be compared with the entries in the step list for OS/390 Jobs. The test checks if the Job is considered normally ended or aborted. This can also be set with the script statement :EXIT next to the Return Code when ending a task.
        maxRetCode - Return code
      • getForecastState

        public ForecastTaskState getForecastState()
        Returns the status, which should be returned by this task when making a forecast.
        End status for forecasts
      • setForecastState

        public void setForecastState​(ForecastTaskState forecastState)
        Sets the end status, which should be returned by this task when making a forecast.
        forecastState - End status for forecasts