Class ExecuteObject

  • public class ExecuteObject
    extends XMLRequest
    Executes an UC4 Object.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ExecuteObject

        public ExecuteObject​(UC4ObjectName name)
        Constructs a ExecuteObject using the specified object name. The method Connection#sendRequest has to be used if this object needs interactive input (Form). In this case Connection#sendRequestAndWait would block infinitely.
        name - name of the UC4 object.
    • Method Detail

      • setInstanceParameter

        public void setInstanceParameter​(java.lang.String name,
                                         java.lang.String value)
        This method can be used to set additional parameters which are shown in the details of the task. The value will be replaced if a parameter with the same name already exists.
        name - Name of the detail value; max 200 characters
        value - Value, null is not allowed
      • putPromptBuffer

        public void putPromptBuffer​(java.lang.String variable,
                                    java.lang.String value)
        Puts the name and content of a script variable to the input buffer. See :PUT_READ_BUFFER, :PUT_PROMPT_BUFFER in the documentation.
        variable - Variable name without &
        value - Value
      • putPromptBuffer

        public void putPromptBuffer​(java.lang.String variable,
                                    java.lang.String[] array)
        Puts the name and content of a script array to the input buffer. See :PUT_READ_BUFFER, :PUT_PROMPT_BUFFER in the documentation.
        variable - Variable name without &, for example CHECKGROUP1#
        array - Content of the variable
      • getSrc

        protected java.lang.String getSrc()
        Description copied from class: XMLRequest
        Returns the request source. This method is used internally.
        Specified by:
        getSrc in class XMLRequest
      • executeOnce

        public void executeOnce​(DateTime startDate,
                                DateTime logicalDate,
                                UC4TimezoneName tz,
                                boolean waitForManualRelease,
                                ExecuteTestOptions options)
        Executes a task only once. An IllegalStateException is thrown if startDate is set (not null) and waitForManualRelease is true. The task is executed using the CLIENT_QUEUE.
        startDate - Start date and time or null if the task should start immediately.
        logicalDate - Start date and time of the logical start date or null if not used.
        tz - Timezone or null if not used
        waitForManualRelease - specifies if the task should wait for manual release
        options - Testoptions or null if not used
      • setWaitForManualRelease

        public void setWaitForManualRelease​(boolean flag)
        Waits for manual release, this method only works if executeOnce is selected.
        flag - Option to wait for a manual release, true=wait, false=start immediately
      • getRecurringDefinition

        public ExecuteRecurring getRecurringDefinition()
        Returns the settings of the periodic task.
        Recurring settings
      • setDebug

        protected void setDebug​(boolean debug)
        Enables debugging, subclasses may override. Internal use only, therefore this method is not public A native message handler needs to be set if debugging is enabled
        debug - true if debug should be enabled
      • executeOnce

        public void executeOnce​(DateTime startDate,
                                DateTime logicalDate,
                                UC4TimezoneName tz,
                                boolean waitForManualRelease,
                                ExecuteTestOptions options,
                                UC4ObjectName queue)
        Executes a task only once. An IllegalStateException is thrown if startDate is set (not null) and waitForManualRelease is true.
        startDate - Start date and time or null if the task should start immediately.
        logicalDate - Start date and time of the logical start date or null if not used.
        tz - Timezone or null if not used
        waitForManualRelease - specifies if the task should wait for manual release
        options - Testoptions or null if not used
        queue - Queue which should be used
      • executeOnce

        public void executeOnce​(DateTime startDate,
                                DateTime logicalDate,
                                UC4TimezoneName tz,
                                boolean waitForManualRelease,
                                ExecuteTestOptions options,
                                UC4ObjectName queue,
                                UC4Alias aliasName)
        Executes a task only once. An IllegalStateException is thrown if startDate is set (not null) and waitForManualRelease is true.
        startDate - Start date and time or null if the task should start immediately.
        logicalDate - Start date and time of the logical start date or null if not used.
        tz - Timezone or null if not used
        waitForManualRelease - specifies if the task should wait for manual release
        options - Testoptions or null if not used
        queue - Queue which should be used
        aliasName - Alias
      • executeRecurring

        public void executeRecurring​(ExecuteRecurring recurring)
        Executes a task in a defined period.
        recurring - Settings
      • isDirectStart

        public boolean isDirectStart()
        Returns the execution mode.
        Returns true if the execution is not recurring or execute once otherwise false
      • isExecuteOnce

        public boolean isExecuteOnce()
        Returns the execution mode.
        Returns true if execution mode is execute once otherwise false
      • allowImmediateStart

        public void allowImmediateStart​(boolean flag)
        This method can be used to set the behaviour in case the start time lies in the past. The default value is true for compatibility reasons.
        flag - true if an UC4 Object should be allowed to start immediately, false if not.
      • createRequest

        protected void createRequest​(com.uc4.util.XMLDocument doc,
                                     org.w3c.dom.Element request,
                                     ConnectionAttributes sessionInfo)
        Description copied from class: XMLRequest
        Creates the XML Document for the request. This method is used internally.
        Specified by:
        createRequest in class XMLRequest
        doc - Document, used to create new Elements
        request - Request Element - classes append information to this request element
        sessionInfo - Information about the session
      • isExecuteReccuring

        public boolean isExecuteReccuring()
        Returns true if this is a recurring execution.
      • handleContent

        protected void handleContent​(com.uc4.util.XMLDocument doc,
                                     ConnectionAttributes session)
        Description copied from class: XMLRequest
        Sub classes extract the values from the XML document and provide public getter methods.
        handleContent in class XMLRequest
        doc - XML Document
        session - Info about the user session
      • getRunID

        public int getRunID()
        Returns the RunID of this request. If the UC4 Object could not be generated this method returns 0 and the method getMsgbox() returns the error message. The return value is also 0 if the request has never been sent.
        RunID or 0 if there was an error. Use the method getMessageNumber() and getMessageInsert() to get more information
      • getMessageNumber

        public int getMessageNumber()
        This method returns a message number in case that the execution failed. A return value of 0 means that there was no error.
        Message Number
      • getMessageInsert

        public java.lang.String getMessageInsert()
        This method returns a message insert for the message number returned by getMessageNumber.
        Message Insert, the return value can be an empty String but it is never null
      • getMessageText

        public java.lang.String getMessageText()
        Returns the error message translated in the language of the user.
        Error message if the execution failed, the return value can be an empty String but it is never null
      • executeFirstTimeTask

        public void executeFirstTimeTask()
        This method will set the startImmediate to Zero.