Class RestartTask

  • public final class RestartTask
    extends XMLRequest
    Restarts a task.
    • Constructor Detail

      • RestartTask

        public RestartTask​(int runID)
        Creates a new RestartTask request to restart the task with the specified RunID.
        runID - RunID of the task which should be restarted
      • RestartTask

        public RestartTask​(UC4ObjectName name,
                           UC4ObjectName queue)
        Restarts a task from the object definition.
        name - Name of the object.
        queue - Name of the queue
      • RestartTask

        public RestartTask​(int runID,
                           UC4ObjectName queue)
        Creates a new RestartTask request to restart the task with the specified RunID.
        runID - RunID of the task which should be restarted
        queue - Queue
    • Method Detail

      • createRequest

        protected void createRequest​(com.uc4.util.XMLDocument doc,
                                     org.w3c.dom.Element request,
                                     ConnectionAttributes sessionInfo)
        Description copied from class: XMLRequest
        Creates the XML Document for the request. This method is used internally.
        Specified by:
        createRequest in class XMLRequest
        doc - Document, used to create new Elements
        request - Request Element - classes append information to this request element
        sessionInfo - Information about the session
      • getSrc

        protected java.lang.String getSrc()
        Description copied from class: XMLRequest
        Returns the request source. This method is used internally.
        Specified by:
        getSrc in class XMLRequest
      • handleContent

        protected void handleContent​(com.uc4.util.XMLDocument doc,
                                     ConnectionAttributes session)
        Description copied from class: XMLRequest
        Sub classes extract the values from the XML document and provide public getter methods.
        handleContent in class XMLRequest
        doc - XML Document
        session - Info about the user session
      • getRestartedRunID

        public int getRestartedRunID()
        Returns the runID of the restarted task.
        RunID of the new task or 0 if not successful
      • getReferenceRunID

        public int getReferenceRunID()
        Gets the reference RunID.
      • setReferenceRunID

        public void setReferenceRunID​(int referenceRunID)
        Sets the reference RunID.
        referenceRunID - RunID
      • getFileTransferSetting

        public RestartTask.FileTransferRestart getFileTransferSetting()
        Returns the file transfer restart setting.
        Restart setting specific to a FileTransfer (JOBF)
      • setFileTransferSetting

        public void setFileTransferSetting​(RestartTask.FileTransferRestart fileTransferSetting)
        Sets the file transfer restart settings. Possible values:
        • FileTransferRestart.ALL ... Re-transfer all files
        • FileTransferRestart.FROM_LAST_POSITION ... Restart the transfer from the last position
        fileTransferSetting - setting
      • getRestartPoint

        public java.lang.String getRestartPoint()
        Returns the value of the Restart Point field.
        Restart Point or an empty string if the restart point has not been set.
      • setRestartPoint

        public void setRestartPoint​(java.lang.String restartPoint)
        Sets the Restart Point on which the Job should continue.
        restartPoint - Point
      • isKeepStartType

        public boolean isKeepStartType()
        Returns true if the start type should be kept
      • setKeepStartType

        public void setKeepStartType​(boolean keepStartType)
        Sets a flag to decide if the start type of the task should be kept when the task is restarted.
        keepStartType - True if the start type should be kept
      • isWaitForManualRelease

        public boolean isWaitForManualRelease()
        True if the task should wait for manual release
      • setWaitForManualRelease

        public void setWaitForManualRelease​(boolean waitForManualRelease)
        Sets a flag to let a restarted task what until it is manually released.
        waitForManualRelease - True if manual release should be enabled
      • getTestOptions

        public ExecuteTestOptions getTestOptions()
        Returns the TestOptions which are used when restarting the task or null if the TestOptions are not set.
      • setTestOptions

        public void setTestOptions​(ExecuteTestOptions testOptions)
        Sets the test options when restarting this task.
        testOptions - TestOptions
      • isRestartAbortedChildrenOnly

        public boolean isRestartAbortedChildrenOnly()
        True if the only aborted children should be restarted
      • setRestartAbortedChildrenOnly

        public void setRestartAbortedChildrenOnly​(boolean restartAbortedChildrenOnly)
        Sets a flag to restart only aborted children.
        restartAbortedChildrenOnly - True if the only aborted children should be restarted
      • setActivityRestart

        public void setActivityRestart()
        If this method is called the detail of a task in the activity list is returned.
      • setArchiveRestart

        public void setArchiveRestart()
        If this method is called the detail of a task in the statistics is returned.
      • setExplorerRestart

        public void setExplorerRestart()
        If this method is called the detail of a task in the Explorer is returned.