ActiveNotifications.Entry |
This class represents a row in the table of active notifications.
ActivityList.GroupingType |
Grouping criteria for the activity window.
AgentAndGroupList.AgentAndGroupListFilter |
Cut the result of the list by using this filter.
AgentAndGroupList.AgentOrGroupListItem |
Represents an agent or an agentgroup in the list.
AgentList.Filter |
Filter in the Agent list.
CalendarList.CalendarListItem |
Stores the name of a calendar/keyword its unique id.
CheckAuthorizations.Candidate |
This class represents a candidate to test.
CheckUserPrivileges.Candidate |
Stores the name of the user, a privilege to check and the result of the check after the request has been sent.
CockpitMonitorDefiniton |
Gets the design of the Cockpit monitor.
DeepRename.AbortIfNameExistsMode |
DeepRename.IncludeFolderNamesMode |
DownloadBinary |
Downloads a file from a STORE object.
ExecuteObjects.ExecuteObjectsResponse |
Class hold response data from the executed request
GetAgentGroupMonitorProperties |
This class is used to get AgentGroup options of a RunID.
GetAgentProperties |
Returns the properties of an Agent.
GetChangeLog.Entry |
Represents a row in the result of the change list.
GetComments.Comment |
This class represents a single comment from one user.
GetCPProperties |
Returns the trace options for a Communication Process using existing XREQ
GetDatabaseInfo.MQEntry |
This class stores information about a message queue table.
GetGroupMonitorProperties |
This class is used to get Group options of a RunID.
GetObjectProperties |
Returns information about an UC4 object.
GetOutputDirectory.OutputDirectoryItem |
This class represents a single row in the Output directory.
GetReplaceList |
Returns list of UC4 Objects in which the specified UC4 Object is used.
GetReplaceList.ReplaceListItem |
Represents an item in the replace list.
GetRestEndpoints.RestEndpoint |
Represents one REST endpoint which consists of a URL.
GetStorageItems |
Lists all resources from a storage object.
GetWPProperties |
Returns the trace options for a Work Process using existing XREQ
GroupMonitor.Task |
This class represents a task in the Group monitor.
ImportObject |
Imports UC4 Objects.
JobPlanMonitor |
Reads a JobPlan Monitor.
JobPlanMonitor.JobPlanMonitorRuntime |
JobPlanMonitor.Task |
Task in the ProcessFlow monitor.
MessageList.Category |
Category of the message.
MessageList.MessageType |
Type of the message.
MessageList.Order |
Sort order.
ModifyNotificationMonitor.Action |
Action in a notification monitor.
NavigatorAgentTree.AgentNode |
Represents a node in the NavigatorAgentTree .
NavigatorCATree.CustomAttributeNode |
Represents a node in the NavigationCATree .
NavigatorQueueTree.QueueNode |
Represents a node in the NavigatorQueueTree .
NavigatorStatusTree.StatusNode |
Represents a node in the NavigatorStatusTree .
NavigatorZDUTree.ZDUNode |
Represents a node in the NavigationZDUTree .
NotificationMonitor |
Reads the monitor of a notification.
NotificationMonitor.CallStatus |
This inner class represents a row in the calling status table of this notification monitor.
NotificationMonitor.Type |
Notification type.
QueryData |
Returns exactly one table based on query parameters.
QueryData.Row |
This class represents a row in the returned result set.
RenameObject |
Renames an existing UC4 Object.
RestartTask.FileTransferRestart |
Restart setting of FileTransfers.
RunJobPlanTask |
Executes a task in a JobPlan immediately.
ScheduleMonitor.Task |
This class represents a task in the Schedule monitor.
SearchObject.VariableDataType |
Type of a Variable.
ServerList.Filter |
Filter in the Servers list.
ServiceFulfillmentList.Filter |
Filter in the service fulfillments list.
ServiceLevelObjectiveList.Filter |
Filter in the service level objective list.
SetHostAuthorizations.ModificationStatus |
This class stores the modification status of a single HOST object.
TaskList.DateRange |
Type of the time frame in a combined task selection.
TaskPromptSetContent |
This request reads the content of a PromptSet (List of PromptElements) for a
specified task.
TaskPromptSetNames |
This request reads a list of Prompt Set Objects of a specified task.
TemplateList |
Returns a list of templates for UC4 Objects.
UploadBinary |
Adds or replaces a file in a STORE object.
UploadBinary.ContentType |
Content-type of the file (BINARY, TEXT,...).
XMLRequest |
This is the super class of all request classes.
ZduWizard.Action |
Represents all possible ZDU actions.