How Agent Assignments Are Handled for Process Flow Components

Agent and agent group assignments for process flow components are described below.

If a process flow component references a job, and that job is defined to run on an agent group, you can select an agent from the Agent drop-down list box on the General sub-tab. The agents displayed in the drop-down box will be the agents that belong to the agent group assigned to the job. If you select an agent from this field, the job will execute on the selected agent. It does not matter if the agent group is regular or multi-execution.

If 'No selection' is picked, the task will run on the agent selected on the process flow's General tab. If 'No selection' is picked there as well or the agent is not available in this component's agent group, one of the following will happen:

If the job is defined to run on a single agent rather than an agent group, the Agent field on the component's General sub-tab will have no bearing on where the job will execute. Only the 'No selection' option will be displayed in the Agent drop-down list.

If a process flow component references a process flow, you can select an agent from the Agent drop-down list box on the General sub-tab. The agent you select for the sub process flow will be used the same as any other process flow's agent.

Order of Precedence for Process Flow Agent Assignments

The order of precedence for assigning agents to process flows is:

  1. The request or schedule agent
  2. The process flow's default agent
  3. The APPWORX_AGENTS agent group

Order of Precedence for Component Agent Assignments when Components Are Jobs

The order of precedence for assigning agents to components that reference jobs is:

  1. The job's agent
  2. The component's assigned agent on the General sub-tab under Components in the process flow definition (allowed only if the job is assigned to an agent group in its job definition)
  3. The component parent process flow's agent

Order of Precedence for Component Agent Assignments when Components Are Sub Process Flows

The order of precedence for assigning agents to components that reference sub process flows is:

  1. The component's assigned agent on the General sub-tab under Components in the process flow definition
  2. The agent selected in the component's referenced process flow definition
  3. The component parent process flow's agent
  4. The APPWORX_AGENTS agent group

Example: Selecting an Agent for Process Flow Components that Reference Jobs

Assume you define JOB_A to run on AGENT_GROUP_1. AGENT_GROUP_1 is a regular agent group. AGENT_GROUP_1 includes three agents: AGENT_ALPHA, AGENT_BETA, and AGENT_GAMMA. You add JOB_A to PROCESS_FLOW_Z where you want it to run on AGENT_GAMMA. To accomplish this, you would select JOB_A as a component in PROCESS_FLOW_Z, and from the Agent field on the component's General sub-tab select AGENT_ALPHA.

Now assume you want to add several jobs to PROCESS_FLOW_Z. All of the jobs are assigned to AGENT_GROUP_1. You want all of the jobs to execute on AGENT_ALPHA. To accomplish this, you could select AGENT_ALPHA on the General sub-tab for each component in the process flow. Or you could leave the agent for each job set to 'No selection', go to the General tab of the process flow, and select AGENT_ALPHA from the Default agent field.

Agent Use Tables

The tables below describe the effects of selecting agents, regular agent groups, and multi-execution agent groups in various fields.

When an agent is selected in a component's job definition

The component's agent: And the process flow's default agent is: The effect is:

Cannot be changed

Any agent or 'No Selection'

The component runs on the job's selected agent.

A multi-execution agent (can be overridden by an ad hoc request or schedule)

The process flow is run for every agent in the agent group.

This component runs in every process flow, but always on the same agent.

When a regular agent group is selected in a component's job definition

The component's agent: And the process flow's default agent is: The effect is:

Is an agent from the job's agent group

Any agent or 'No Selection'

The component runs on its selected agent.

A multi-execution agent (can be overridden by an ad hoc request or schedule)

The process flow is run for every agent in the agent group.

This component runs in every process flow, but always on the same agent.

Is 'No Selection'

An agent from the job's agent group (can be overridden by an ad hoc request or schedule)

The component runs on the process flow's selected agent.

'No Selection' or a selected agent not in the job's agent group

The agent group's load balancing equation is used.

A multi-execution agent (can be overridden by an ad hoc request or schedule)

The process flow is run for every agent in the agent group.

This component runs in every process flow, on each agent.

When a multi-execution agent group is selected in a component's job definition

The component's agent: And the process flow's default agent is: The effect is:

Is an agent from the job's agent group

Any agent or 'No Selection'

The component runs on its selected agent.

A multi-execution agent (can be overridden by an ad hoc request or schedule)

The process flow is run for every agent in the agent group.

This component runs on the selected agent for the component in each process flow.

Is 'No Selection'

An agent from the job's agent group (can be overridden by an ad hoc request or schedule)

The component runs on the process flow's selected agent.

'No Selection' or a selected agent not in the job's agent group

The component is run on every agent in the agent group.

A multi-execution agent (can be overridden by an ad hoc request or schedule)

The process flow is run for every agent in the agent group.

This component runs on every agent in its agent group.