Introduction to Program Type Scripts

The AWSQLP program type scripts are the ones most commonly used by most Applications Manager users. The SOCOBOL program type script demonstrates several complex features. The SUSOSHUTP program type script is commonly used to shutdown Applications Manager and allow for database backups.

The most commonly used program type scripts are:

These scripts are described in this chapter.

Applications Manager ships with several predefined program types and corresponding program type scripts. You can copy and/or create new ones as needed. Applications Manager also ships with a number of program type scripts (in the exec directory) that are not linked to program types. You can create program types to link to these scripts.

Applications Manager interface scripts are available for the most popular enterprise applications, and Applications Manager Consulting services can create custom scripts for almost any application.

Caution Against Modifying Existing Scripts

Applications Manager strongly recommends that you do not modify the default program types and matching program type scripts that ship with Applications Manager. If you need to upgrade Applications Manager, the default program types and scripts will be overwritten.

If you want to modify the program types, create new ones instead. If you want to change the program type scripts, make copies and modify the copies.