Program Execution

The main way to execute a program from within a program type script is with the eval command in UNIX and the call command in Windows.

It is the Applications Manager program type script that actually runs the program selected in a job definition. While you can use any standard command to execute a program from within a program type script, the command used by Applications Manager program type scripts is 'eval' in UNIX and 'call' in Windows. Eval evaluates parameters, then executes the command.

For SQL*Plus scripts in UNIX, the pipe command is used to direct a string of commands to SQL*Plus.

UNIX Program Type Script Code

In a typical UNIX program type script, the code that executes the program would look as follows (code in bold):

1  :

2  #!/bin/sh

3  #Copyright 2007 Automic Software GmbH

4  # $Header:

   1.2 1998/02/24 19:06:46 billw Exp $

5  arg="$program `$AW_HOME/exec/ONELINE $par`" 

6  eval $arg 

7  err=$?

8  if [ -f $file ]; then

9       $AW_HOME/exec/FILESIZE $file $err

10      err=$?

11 fi

12 if [ -f $OUTPUT/$file ]; then

13      file=$OUTPUT/$file;export file

14      $AW_HOME/exec/FILESIZE $file $err

15      err=$?

16 fi

17 exit $err

On the first pass, eval evaluates $program and $par. It then executes the program.

UNIX Pipes

Pipes are used by programs that accept inputs from the standard input device. Normally, standard input would be the user's terminal and/or keyboard. If you pipe output from the program type into the program, then the program is taking its standard input from the program type.

$program <$par

A more complex example used within the Applications Manager SQL*Plus (SQLP) program type script is shown below.

UNIX SQL*Plus Program Type Script Code

In a typical UNIX SQL*Plus program type script, the code that executes the program would look as follows (code in bold):




#Copyright 2007 Automic Software GmbH

# $Header: /isa/devel/soport/so/dev/sostage/RCS/EXEC-SQLP,v 1.1

1996/01/22 09:42:26 soport Exp $


echo PATH Is

echo $PATH

if [ "$DEBUG" = "YES" ]; then


        set -x

        echo "in $0"


if [ -f $program.sql ]; then



        echo "file $program.sql does not exist"

        exit 1


echo sqlp `date`


echo sqlplus -s @$program A$seq_no.lis $argu

echo "define so_outfile=A$seq_no.lis" >> $par

echo start $program >> $par


echo "$login 

spool $logtest 

prompt got it 

spool off 

start $par A$seq_no.lis $argu 

"|sqlplus -s 


if [ -f $logtest ]; then

  rm $logtest


  echo Could not login to sqlplus



echo sqlp `date`

if [ -f A$seq_no.lis ]; then

        mv A$seq_no.lis $file


$AW_HOME/exec/FILESIZE $file $err


exit $err

The code is a series of SQL commands that are passed into SQL*Plus.

Windows Program Type Script Code

In a typical Windows program type script, the code that executes the program would look as follows (code in bold):

@echo off

rem Copyright 2007 Automic Software GmbH

echo 'In EXECS'

echo 'calling'%program%

call %SQLOPER_HOME%\bin\oneline %SQLOPER_HOME%\run\%par%

call %SQLOPER_HOME%\c\ntspawn "%program% %args%" 

if errorlevel 1 set err=%errorlevel%

The "call" command executes the program using the values stored in the 'args' variable.

To be able to kill a process launched by a Windows task (program type script), the process must be launched by the ntspawn executable as shown in the sample code above. Ntspawn launches the requested process and then waits for the process to exit. If a kill task is issued while the process is running, ntspawn will kill the process and return an error code. If the requested process is not launched with ntspawn, the kill task request will kill the cmd shell that launched the process, but most likely will not kill the launched process.

The syntax for ntspawn is:

Usage: ntspawn command [args]

Example: ntspawn c:\mydir\myexe.exe arg1 arg2 arg3

Option -l: Creates lockfile for Agent.

Option -t <seconds>: Time out value. If task runs longer than <seconds> task will be killed.

Option -i: Ignore DOS error file for exit code checking.

Option -s: Silent. Do not print process header information.

Windows SQL*Plus Program Type Script Code

In a typical Windows SQL*Plus program type script, the code that executes the program would look as follows (code in bold):

@echo off

rem Copyright 2007 Automic Software GmbH

echo 'In EXECS'

echo 'calling'%program%

call %SQLOPER_HOME%\bin\oneline %SQLOPER_HOME%\run\%par%

call %SQLOPER_HOME%\c\ntspawn "%program% %args%"

if errorlevel 1 set err=%errorlevel%


E:\AM\46NT_on_Dell\Master\exec>type sqlp.bat

if  Not "%DEBUG%" == "YES" goto notdebug


        echo on

        echo in %0


if exist  %program%.sql goto exists

echo "output file %program%.sql does not exist"

set err=1

goto end_of_it


echo in %0

echo plus31 -s @%program% A%seq_no%.lis %argu%

set err=0

echo define so_outfile=A%seq_no%.lis >> %par%

echo start %program% >> %par%

echo quit >> %par%

SET awsqlplus=c:\orant\bin\plus80.exe 

echo %SQLOPER_HOME%\c\ntspawn "%awsqlplus% -s %db_login%/
   passwd @%PAR% A%seq_no%.lis "

call %SQLOPER_HOME%\c\ntspawn "%awsqlplus% -s %LOGIN% @%PAR%
   A%seq_no%.lis "

if errorlevel 1 set err=1

if exist %file% del %file%

if exist  A%seq_no%.lis move A%seq_no%.lis %file%

if not exist %file% echo no output from %module%

if exist %file% call PRINTEM


The code is a series of SQL commands that are passed into SQL*Plus.