The UserInterfaces and agents interact via the communication processes. A connection to the AE database is not required, i.e. data between clients and Automation Engines is exchanged exclusively via communication processes (cp).
Connections are established in several steps. First, an attempt is made to connect to the cp which has been specified in the configuration file. If it is possible to establish a connection, the cp sends performance values regarding this connection and all cp addresses known in the system to the client (UserInterface or agent). The cp addresses serve to update the corresponding section in the configuration file. The client connects to all these processes and obtains their performance values in order to identify the cp with the most optimal values i.e. the lowest work load. This communication process is then used to start job processing as required. The connections to all other communication processes are terminated.
The number of agents, the number of connections per communication process, and the number of concurrent users logged in do have an upper limit. For the current upper limit of each, refer to the log files of the primary work process (PWP) and the communication processes (CP).
See also: