This variable contains a counter whose reading - a run number - is appended to the name of newly created objects.
Key | Value |
New start required |
Short form of the object type |
Number ranging from 0 to 2147483647 |
No |
This variable is available in the client 0000. From there, it can be transferred to the own client and adjusted upon requirements.
Usually an object newly created in the Explorer obtains a standard name. This name consists of the short form of the object type, the term "NEW." and a run number (e.g. JOBS.WIN.NEW.5) which indicates the number of already existing standard names. If you rename or delete the object JOBS.WIN.NEW.5, for example, the number 5 is available again for the next new Windows job.
The variable UC_OBJECT_COUNTER can be used to specify a counter whose reading - a 10-digit number with leading zeros - increments by one with each new object. The resulting number is automatically appended to the name, thereby replacing the default setting "NEW.n" .
Example: JOBF.0000000100
The object type and starting number of the first counter reading can be specified in the variable. If these settings are deleted lateron, the standard settings apply once again.
The counter cannot be used for TimeZones (TZ) as their names must not exceed 8 characters!
Key |
Value |
100 |
See also: