Start Parameters - Utilities

This document lists and describes the start parameters of the AE Utilities.

A security check is made whenever the utilities AE DB Client Copy, AE DB Archive or AE DB Reorg are called in batch mode (single logon). A utility is canceled if the AE system does not contain a User object for the user who logged on to the OS. Note that this happens regardless of any entries that have been made in the variable UC_USER_LOGON.

Single Logon provides increased security in batch mode. If a program starts with a graphical UserInterface, Single Logon increases the ease of use.

Utilities are usually called in batch mode via the corresponding *.EXE files. Files that end on *G.EXE start the utilities in normal mode. Start parameters can also be assigned to *G.EXE files in order to call a particular INI file. The utility starts in normal mode. Note that the parameter -B must not be used in such a case.

Start Parameters

Start parameters can also be assigned to the utility via the Java loader:


Start Parameter


Java loader of the utility




Suppresses the splash screen.

-IPath and file name

The path and name of the INI file for the Java loader.


The parameter of the utility.

You can also assign parameters to the utility via the Java loader (see below). These are added to the cmd section in the INI file. In doing so, you can specify a default setting for the INI file and control special options via the Java loader.

Note that:

  • The parameter chain must be written in double quotations.
  • Path indications that include blanks must also be written in double quotations (for example: -J"-I""C:\AUTOMIC\my utilities\UCYBDBAR.ini""").

The required language should be specified via a shortcut.

INI file abstract:

cmd="javaw" -jar -cp .;.\UC4LAF.jar UCYBDBar.jar

The language is predetermined via a shortcut:

UCYBDBarg.exe -F0 -J"-LD"

If an INI file is specified for the utility, the parameter -I must be used twice. This is also necessary if the Java loader and the utility use the same INI file.


Both use the same INI file:

ucybdbccg -IUCYBDBCC.ini -J"-IUCYBDBCC.ini"

Different INI files are used:

ucybdbccg -IUCYBDBCC.ini -J"-Iclientcopy.ini"


Copy client:

The objects, statistics and reports of client 38 are copied to the new client number 2:

UCYBDBcc -B -C -S0038 -T0002 -O -A

Delete client:

Client 2 is deleted in the target database.

UCYBDBcc -B -E -T0002

AE DB Load


Loading the Transport Case / Initial Data:

UCYBDBLD [-V[Path and file name]] [-IFile name] [-FFolder handling] [-LLanguage] -B -Cmmmm [-EMode] [-UName/Department] [-GName] [-AAccess] [-MAccess] -XFile name

Setting the authentication method:

UCYBDBLD [-V[Path and file name]] [-IFile name] [-LLanguage] -B -TAuthentication method-KCompany key string


Start Parameter


Utility for loading the database














Prints the Automation Engine version and the hotfix number in the following format:

"UCYBDBld version Automation Engine version plus hotfix number"

-VPath and file name

Prints the Automation Engine version and hotfix number to the specified file in the following format:

"UCYBDBld version Automation Engine version plus hotfix number"

-IFile name


The path and the name of the INI file.

-FFolder handling

Defines the behavior of DB Load regarding folders. When objects or linked objects are being replaced, the data of the home folder and the linked objects of the Transport Case are preserved.

Allowed value = "OT"

When this value is set, the data contained in the data file of the Transport Case will overwrite already existing objects in the Automation Engine database.



Allowed values: "D", "E", "F"
"D" = German (Deutsch), "E" = English, "F" = French

The language that is specified in the INI file is used if you do not specify this parameter.


Batch mode


Install ILM

  • -N[X]

    Number of active partitions

  • -SAH_part1|AH_part2|AH_part3

    List AH partitions separated by |

  • -RRH_part1>RH_part2|RH_part3

    List RH partitions separated by |

  • -OMisc_part1|Misc_part2|Misc_part3

    List Misc partitions separated by |

  • -D

    Do switch in


ucybdbld.exe -B -ILM -N3 "-SAH_1|AH_2|AH_3" "-RRH_1|RH_2|RH_3" "-OMisc_1|Misc_2|Misc_3" -D -X..\db\general\12.0\UC_UPD.TXT


The number of the client for processing.

-C-1, retains clients, -Cmmmm loads the Transport Case to client mmmm


Processing mode for objects that exist already.
Only in the batch mode

Allowed values: "IGNORE", "ABEND", "REPLACE"
"IGNORE" = The object is skipped (default).
"ABEND" = Processing is canceled.
"REPLACE" = The existing object is replaced.

Note that the setting "IGNORE" requires that the original object and the object to be loaded are of the same type, as otherwise processing will abort before the loading process has started.


The name and the department of a default user.

If the user does not have access rights on object level, the default user can be used instead.


The name of the default user group.

If the user does not have access rights on object level, the default group can be used instead.


Loads access authorizations on object level.

Allowed values: "Y", "N"
"Y" = Loads access authorizations on object level (default).
"N" = No loading of access authorizations on object level.


Ignores access authorizations that refer to missing users and user groups.

Allowed values: "Y", "N"
"Y" = Ignores access authorizations for missing users and user groups. They are not loaded.
"N" = Cancels the loading process for access authorization of missing users and user groups (default value).

-XFile name

The name of the file that should be loaded. Note that this start parameter is obligatory.

-TAuthentication method
-KCompany key string

Authentication details.

Only call the utility with these start parameters if the new installation is made without using the UserInterface.

Both parameters should be used together.

Allowed values for -T: "NO", "LOCAL", "LOCAL_REMOTE" and "PACKAGE"

The authentication method is specified with "NO", "LOCAL" and "LOCAL_REMOTE". If you use "PACKAGE" you will obtain a file that includes the company key.

Allowed values for -K: any characters (maximum 32 characters)

The company key is composed of this string.

Always specify a string for the company key even if authentication (-TNO) is not used. Automic recommends using the AE system name as company key.

Note that using these start parameters results in an error when the initial data is loaded for the first time. Call the utility create the schema and then restart it in order to set the authentication details.
For example:

Step 1: java -jar ucybdbld.jar -B -XC:\AE\Utility\db\general\12.0\UC_UPD.TXT

Step 2: java -jar ucybdbld.jar -B -TNO -Kabc

Alternatively, you can also use the utility's graphical interface.

The string must be specified in inverted commas, if it contains special characters. If you intend to use an inverted comma within the string, set an additional inverted comma before it (under Windows) or a "\" (under Unix).


The file UC_DATA.TXT is loaded to client 11 and the existing objects are replaced.


Authentication method "Server and Agent" should be specified in the AWA system.


AE DB Unload


UCYBDBUN [-V[Path and file name]] [-IFile name] [-LLanguage] -BMode [-D][-Cmmmm] [-XFile name] [-K]


Start Parameter


Utility  for unloading the database UCYBDBUN










Prints the Automation Engine version and hotfix number in the following format:

"UCYBDBun version Automation Engine version plus hotfix number"

-VPath and file name

Prints the Automation Engine version and hotfix number to the specified file in the following format:

"UCYBDBun version Automation Engine version plus hotfix number"

-IFile name


The path and the name of the INI file.



Allowed values: "D", "E", "F"
"D" = German (Deutsch), "E" = English, "F" = French

The language that is specified in the INI file is used if you do not specify this parameter.


Batch mode and processing mode.

AE system-wide:
"NORMAL" = All data from all database tables is unloaded.
"INITIAL" = Data is taken from client 0. However, not all of client 0 is unloaded, only the initial data, eg. XREQs.
"DEFAULT" = Default data of the system is unloaded, eg. client 0, initial User and User group.

"REPAIR" = The Explorer's folder structure is checked and repaired.

AE system-wide and client-wide:
"REORG" = The database is reorganized.
"TRANSPORT" = The Transport Case is unloaded.
"TRANSPORTALL" = All objects are transported. To remove objects from the Transport Case after the unloading process, use the -D option.
"RESETARCHIVE" = Archive flags are reset (AE DB Archive).
"RESETREORG" = Deletion flags are reset (AE DB Reorg).


This start parameter removes all objects from the Transport Case after the unloading process.


The number of the client in order to unload the Transport Case.

All clients are unloaded if no client has been specified.

You cannot unload client 0. When you specify the parameter -C0 despite of this fact, all clients will be unloaded except for client 0.

-XFile name

The name of the file that should receive the data that should be unloaded.

The utility uses the name and path of the file specified in the INI file (output=) if this parameter is not specified.

Note that this parameter cannot be used with the mode -BREORG because these specific files are subject to a given naming convention.

-K Setting this parameter has the effect that deleted objects are still available in the UserInterface's Recycle Bin after the unloading process.


The AE database is reorganized.


The Transport Case of client 11 is unloaded and the utility uses the path and file names that have been specified in the OUTPUT= section of the utility's INI file. The Transport Case is cleared afterwards.


With message U0021148, the utility reported an error in the folder structure of a client. Therefore, the correction function is called.


For example:

Log files with the prefix "server" are combined in the target file uc4.txt.

UCYBLGMX -B -L"C:\AUTOMIC\report\server*" -F"C:\AUTOMIC\report\uc4.txt"

See also: