Script Elements - Alphabetical Listing

This document lists all AE Script elements in an alphabetical order and gives a short description about their usage.

Script Statements

[Script Statements] [Script Functions]

Script Statement



Adds recipients to a notification at runtime.


Adds a comment to a task.


Assigns a Sync object to a task.

:ATTACH_RES Transfers resources from a Storage object to the Windows or UNIX agent.


Beginning and end of a dialog for user queries.

:BEGIN_EXT_INTERPRETERS... :END_EXT_INTERPRETERS Marks the beginning and end of an external interpreter's script in the Process Tab of Windows and UNIX Job objects. Used in conjunction with the Storage object.
:CLEAR Resets a script array to its initial values.


Discards a data sequence within a script.

:CONST Creates a script variable as a constant with a specific value.


Explicit declaration of a DATA Line in a script.

:DEFINE Declares a script variable with a particular data type.


Deletes one or all values of a Variable object.


Disconnects a connection to the AE system.


Terminates the processing of a script and sends a return code.


Deactivates the logging of a task's script.


Activates the logging of a task's script.

:FILL Stores several values in a script array.


Controls the processing of script lines during execution.

:IF... :ELSE... :ENDIF

Branching under certain conditions.

:INCLUDE Integrates an Include object into the current script.
:INC_SCRIPT Integrates a script into another script of the same object.
:IFVERS [:ELSEVERS] :ENDVERS Pre-compiler instructions for skipping script blocks depending on the installed Automation Engine version.
:JCL_CONCAT_CHAR Forms JCL lines to a size of up to 2 KB.
:JCL_SUBSTITUTE Replaces a character set in the JCL with another character set.
:MODIFY_STATE Modifies the return code or status text of a job when it has finished.


Determines the reaction to certain errors and messages of script elements.


Writes text to a dialog for user queries or to the activation report of an object.

:PROCESS... :TERM_PROCESS... :ENDPROCESS The definition of a loop for the line by line processing of a data sequence such as the content of a sequential file or the text result of a command.


Assigns a value to an object variable.

:PUBLISH Defines script variables and arrays as object variables.


Sets or changes attributes of objects.

:PUT_ATT_APPEND Extends the Notification object's message text at runtime.
:PUT_PROMPT_BUFFER Puts name and content of a script variable in an input buffer.
:PUT_READ_BUFFER Puts name and content of a script variable in an input buffer.
:PUT_VAR Stores a value in a Variable object.
:PUT_VAR_COL Stores a value to a particular column of a static Variable object.
:PUT_VAR_PROCESS Writes the content of a data sequence to a static Variable object.
:READ Queries the user in a dialog.
:REGISTER_VARIABLE Available on Windows and UNIX, used in a Job object's (JOBS) Process Tab inside :BEGIN_EXT_INTERPRETER... :END_EXT_INTERPRETER for an external interpreter script call.
:REGISTER_OUTPUTFILE Registers a file as an external job output.


Removes recipients in a notification at runtime.


Replaces the structure of a workflow with the structure of another workflow at activation.

:RESOLVE Tries to resolve all variables in the string.


Sets restart points in an object.

:RSET Assigns a value to a script variable and saves it to the activation report.
:SEND_MSG Sends messages to the user of the UserInterface.
:SEND_SNMP_TRAP Sends an SNMP trap.
:SET Assigns a value to a script variable.
:SET_CALE Inserts/deletes a date or time period in a calendar.
:SET_CONDITION Sets the earliest start time in workflows.
:SET_LAST_ERR Sets error number and text.
:SET_SCRIPT_VAR Sets the values of script variables by indirect access.
:SET_UC_SETTING Changes system settings during system operation.


Ends an AE system.


This cancels the processing of a script.

:SWITCH... :CASE... :ENDSWITCH It verifies whether the value of a variable complies with certain values and depending on the result, it runs various statements.
:TERMINATE Ends an agent, a work, or communication process.
:WAIT Processing of the script is stopped for a specified time period.


Loop for repeated execution of script statements.


Closes an XML document.

Script Functions

[Script Statements] [Script Functions]

Script Function


Predefined Variable


Activates an object.






Adds days to a given date.



Adds a period to a specified date.



Adds two times.



Adds time to a Time Stamp.



Converts the name of a job or report file to a RunID.

ARRAY_2_STRING Converts a script array to a string.  


Calculates forecast data for future activities.



Returns the next date based on calendar conditions.



Cancels execution of an activated object.



Causes the log file to be changed.



Converts a date from one date format to another.



Converts all characters of a string to lowercase letters.



Converts date and time for use in another time zone.



Converts all characters of a string to uppercase letters.

CONVERT Converts the data type of a value.  


Creates an object (Calendar, Login and Variable only).

CREATE_PROCESS Creates a new data sequence.  


Returns the current day of the year.

DEACTIVATE_UC_OBJECT Deactivates a completed task.  
DELETE_FORECAST Deletes any number of or given Forecasts from the Automation Engine database.  
DIFF_DATE Determines the difference between two date entries in days.  
DIFF_TIME Returns the difference between two time entries.  
DIV Divides.  


Exports objects to an XML file.

FIND Searches a script array and returns the corresponding index.  


Determines the first day of the period for a specified date.



Creates a forecast of a given object.



Creates a forecast of a running task.



Changes the formatting of a number.

GET_ATT Returns the values of attributes of an object during its generation.  

Supplies part of the message text in a notification.

GET_BIT Checks if a bit is set in a bit field.  
GET_CONDITION Determines the earliest start time in workflows.  
GET_CONNECTION Reads information from a DB-type Connection object.  
GET_CONSOLE Reads message data of an occurred console event.  


Reads data of occurred Console, FileSystem and Database events.



Retrieves several file-system values from a defined path of a computer.

GET_MSG_TXT Retrieves the message text of the last error.  


Retrieves the type of a message number.

GET_LOGIN Reads information from Login objects.  


Returns a task's object type.

GET_OH_IDNR Supplies an object's internal number.  


Returns the name of the superordinate task (Parent).

GET_PARENT_NR Returns the run number of the superordinate task (Parent).  
GET_PARENT_TYPE Returns the object type of the superordinate task (Parent).  
GET_PROCESS_INFO Retrieves information of a data sequence  
GET_PROCESS_LINE Returns the content of the current line of a data sequence.  
GET_PUBLISHED_VALUE Retrieves the value or PromptSet variable of a certain task.  
GET_SCRIPT_VAR Returns the values of script variables by indirect access.  


Retrieves details from the statistical record of an executable object.



Queries the current condition or value of a Sync object.

GET_UC_OBJECT_NR Returns the RunID of an activated object.  
GET_UC_OBJECT_STATUS Returns the status of an activated object.  
GET_UC_SERVER_NAME Determines the name of the work process in which the script runs.  
GET_UC_SETTING Reads current system settings.  
GET_UC_SYSTEM_NAME Determines the name of the AE system. &$SYSTEM#

Returns the content of a Variable object.

GET_WIN_EVENT Determines entries in the Windows system, security and application logs if an event occurs.  
HEX Converts a character set into hexadecimal form.  
ILM Controls ILM functionality.  


Imports objects from an XML file.



Checks a user's membership status within a user group.



Checks if a character set is numeric.

LAST_OF_PERIOD Determines the last day of period of a specified date.  
LENGTH Retrieves the size of a script array.  
LOAD_PROCESS Loads a stored data sequence.  
MID Copies string characters.  
MOD Returns the remainder of a division.  


Changes an existing object (only Calendar, Login and Variable).

MODIFY_SYSTEM Processes ServiceManager actions or queue modifications.  
MODIFY_TASK Modifies active workflows.  


Modifies the attribute of an activated object.



Moves an object to a folder.






Via specific Job objects (event jobs), this script function processes commands on a computer and returns the Console output as an internal list (data sequence) which can further be processed.

PREP_PROCESS_AGENTGROUP Uses selection criteria to retrieve the agents of an AgentGroup object and provides the result for further processing in the form of an internal list (data sequence).  


Uses filter settings to retrieve the timestamp, user and text of task comments and provides the result for further processing in the form of an internal list (data sequence).

PREP_PROCESS_DOCU Provides the content of a Documentation tab as an internal list (data sequence) for further processing.  


Uses filter criteria in order to retrieve the content of a text file which is available on a particular computer line by line. It provides the result for further processing in the form of an internal list (data sequence).

PREP_PROCESS_FILENAME Retrieves a list of file names which are available in a specified computer directory. It provides the result for further processing in the form of an internal list (data sequence).  
PREP_PROCESS_PROMPTSET Reads the definition of PromptSet objects and provides them as an internal list (data sequence) for further processing.  


Uses filter criteria to retrieve the report lines of executable objects and provides the result for further processing in the form of an internal list (data sequence).

PREP_PROCESS_REPORTLIST Retrieves the list of the registered output of jobs that have already run and provides the result in the form of an internal list (data sequence) for further processing.  
PREP_PROCESS_VAR and PREP_PROCESS_VAR_XML Use selection criteria to retrieve a list of Variable object values and provide the result for further processing in the form of an internal list (data sequence).  
PUT_PROCESS_LINE Adds a line to a certain data sequence  
RANDOM Generates random numbers.  


Deletes an existing object.

RERUN_UC_OBJECT Continues a certain workflow.  
RESOLVE_VAR Resolves any kind of variable (Prompt values, System variables, Script variables, Variable objects) in text.  


Repeats the execution of a task.

ROLLBACK_UC_OBJECT Executes the rollback of a specific task  


Converts the RunID to the corresponding file names.

SAVE_PROCESS Stores a certain data sequence.  


Sends email to a user.

SET_SYNC Executes the defined action of a Sync object.  
STR_CAT Combines two strings to a new string.  
STR_CUT Copies string characters.  
STR_ENDS_WITH Checks whether a string ends with a certain other string.  
STR_FIND Searches for a character or a string within a string.  
STR_FIND_REVERSE Searches for a character or a string within a string. The search begins at the end of the string being searched.  
STR_ISLOWER Checks whether the characters of a string are written in lowercase letters.  
STR_ISUPPER Checks whether the characters of a string are written in uppercase letters.  
STR_LC Converts all characters of a string to lower-case.  
STR_LENGTH Returns the length of a string.  
STR_LNG Returns the length of a string.  
STR_LTRIM Deletes empty spaces at the beginning of a character set.  
STR_PAD Extends a string to a certain length.  
STR_MATCH Compares two character sets.  
STR_REVERSE Reverses the order of the characters within a string.  
STR_RTRIM Deletes the empty spaces at the end of a character set.  
STR_SPLIT Splits a string into several parts using a separator.  
STR_STARTS_WITH Checks whether a string starts with a certain other string.  
STR_SUBSTITUTE Replaces character or string within a string.  
STR_SUBSTITUTE_VAR Replaces script-variable names by their values.  


Removes empty spaces at the beginning and the end of a character set.

STR_UC Converts all characters of a string to uppercase characters.  
SUB Subtracts.  
SUB_DAYS Subtracts days from a given date.  
SUB_PERIOD Subtracts a period from a specified date.  
SUB_TIME Subtracts two times.  


Subtracts time from a Time Stamp.



Copies string characters.

SYS_ACT_CLIENT Returns the number of the current client. &$CLIENT#
SYS_ACT_CLIENT_TEXT Returns the text of the current client. &$CLIENT_DESC#
SYS_ACT_HOST Returns the name of the host.  


Determines if a task was activated in a workflow.

SYS_ACT_ME_LNR Returns the placement number of a task in a workflow  
SYS_ACT_ME_NAME Returns the name of the own object. &$NAME#
SYS_ACT_ME_NR Returns the run number (RunID) of the own object. &$RUNID#
SYS_ACT_ME_TYPE Returns the object type of the own object. &$OBJECT_TYPE#


Supplies the name of a superordinate task.

SYS_ACT_PARENT_NR Supplies the run number (RunID) of the superordinate task. &$ACTIVATOR_RUNID#
SYS_ACT_PARENT_TYPE Returns the object type of the superordinate task. &$ACTIVATOR_TYPE#
SYS_ACT_PREV_NAME Returns the name of the previous task in a workflow.  
SYS_ACT_PREV_NR Returns the run number (RunID) of a previous task in a workflow.  
SYS_ACT_PTTYP Returns the partner type of the user. &$PARTNER_TYPE#
SYS_ACT_RESTART Retrieves whether the object was activated in restart mode. &$RESTARTED#
SYS_ACT_RESTART_COUNT Supplies the number of restarts that have been executed for workflow tasks using the script statement RESTART TASK (Postconditions). &$RESTART_COUNT#
SYS_ACT_RESTART_ME_NR Returns the run number (RunID) of an object activated in restart mode. &$RESTART_RUNID#
SYS_ACT_TOP_NAME Supplies the name of the top workflow. &$TOP_PROCESSFLOW_NAME#
SYS_ACT_TOP_NR Supplies the run number (RunID) of the top workflow. &$TOP_PROCESSFLOW_RUNID#
SYS_ACT_USERID Supplies the User ID under which the job will run.  
SYS_ACTIVE_COUNT Returns the number of all activated objects.  
SYS_BUSY_01 Returns the size of the workload of the Automation Engine during the last minute (in percent).  
SYS_BUSY_10 Returns the size of the workload of the Automation Engine during the last 10 minutes (in percent).  
SYS_BUSY_60 Returns the size of the workload of the Automation Engine during the last hour (in percent).  
SYS_DATE Returns the current date at the beginning of the script processing &$DATE_format#
SYS_DATE_PHYSICAL Returns the current date &$PHYS_DATE_format#
SYS_HOST_ALIVE Checks if a certain host is active  


Reads AE-system information

SYS_LAST_ARRAY_INDEX Returns the last filled index of an array.  


Supplies the variable message part of the error that has last occurred.

SYS_LAST_ERR_NR Returns the number of the error that has last occurred.  
SYS_LAST_ERR_SYSTXT Retrieves the last-occurred error message from the operating system.  
SYS_LAST_RESTART_POINT Supplies the name of the previous restart point in the script.  

Returns the last used output file of the command :REGISTER_OUTPUTFILE

SYS_LAST_REGISTERED_ULOGIN Returns the last used login of the command :REGISTER_OUTPUTFILE  
SYS_LAST_REGISTERED_VALUENAME Returns the last used variable-value of the command :REGISTER_VARIABLE  
SYS_LAST_REGISTERED_VARNAME Returns the last used variable name of the command :REGISTER_VARIABLE  
SYS_LAST_RESTART_TEXT Supplies the text of the previous restart point as defined in the script.  
SYS_LDATE Returns the logical date. &$LDATE_format#
SYS_RESTART_POINT Supplies the restart point from which the object will be executed. &$RESTART_POINT#


Checks if a certain server process is active.



Checks if the SNMP connection (Simple Network Management Protocol) of AE if active.

SYS_STATE_ACTIVE Checks if an object is already active.  
SYS_STATE_JOB_ACTIVE Checks if a job has already been activated.  
SYS_STATE_JOBS_IN_GROUP Returns the number of jobs that are registered in groups.  
SYS_STATE_JP_ACTIVE Checks if a workflow has already been activated.  
SYS_TIME Retrieves the current time of day at the beginning of the script processing. &$TIME_format#
SYS_TIME_PHYSICAL Determines the current time of day. &$PHYS_TIME_format#


Provides current date and time.



Checks if a user is logged with a UserInterface in AE.


Supplies the department of the user who started the task.

SYS_USER_LANGUAGE Supplies the language in which the Server generates the log files. &$SYS_LANGUAGE#

Supplies the first and last name of the user who started the task.


Supplies the name of the user who started the task.

TOGGLE_OBJECT_STATUS  Stops or starts the automatic processing of several object types .  
TOGGLE_SYSTEM_STATUS  Stops or starts automatic processing of a client.  
UC_CRLF Returns a page break.  
VALID_CALE Checks whether a date is included in the calendar keyword.  
VALID_DATE Checks if the date is valid.  
VALID_TIME Checks if the time is valid.  
WEEK_NR Returns the calendar week of a given date.  
WEEKDAY_NR Returns the day of a week of a given date as a number.  
WEEKDAY_XX Returns the day of the week of a given date as an abbreviation.  
WRITE_PROCESS It writes the content of a data sequence to a file.  
XML_APPEND_BEFORE Moves an XML element in front of another element.  
XML_APPEND_CHILD Adds a new sub-element to an XML element.  
XML_APPEND_CLONE Duplicates an XML element and attaches it to another element.  
XML_APPEND_ELEMENT Attaches an existing XML element to another element.  


Beautifies the display of an element's structure.

XML_CLONE_AND_RENAME Duplicates and renames an XML element.  
XML_DELETE_NODE Removes a specific XML element.  
XML_DOM_TO_PROCESS Creates a data sequence based upon a certain XML document.  


Supplies the value of an attribute.



Counts the sub-elements of an element.



Identifies the first sub-element of an element.

XML_GET_LAST_CHILD Identifies the last sub-element of an element.  


Identifies the succeeding element.



Supplies the name of an element.



Supplies the text of an element.

XML_INSERT_BEFORE Creates a new XML element and inserts this in front of another element.  


Opens an XML document for processing.



Writes the XML document in a file.

XML_PROCESS_TO_DOM Creates an XML document from a data sequence.  
XML_REMOVE_CHILDREN Removes all the sub-elements of an XML element.  


Identifies any element.

XML_SET_ATTRIBUTE Adds a new attribute to an XML element or changes an existing attribute.  
XML_SET_NODE_TEXT Changes or sets the value of an XML element.  
XML_TO_STRING Returns the XML of a specific element as text.  


Extracts the year from a given date.