The overview that is shown below lists all AE Script elements in groups of similar functional areas.
[Handling Objects] [Activating Objects] [Reading or Modifying Objects] [Script Structure and Processing ] [Error Handling and Messages] [Activation Data] [User Data] [Data Sequences] [Event Handling] [System Conditions and Settings] [Date and Time] [Arithmetic] [Strings]
Script Element |
Description |
:REGISTER_OUTPUTFILE | Registers a file as an external job output. |
Creates an object (Calendar, Login and Variable only). |
Exports objects to an XML file. |
Imports objects from an XML file. |
Changes an existing object (only Calendar, Login and Variable). |
Moves an object to a folder. |
Deletes an existing object. |
[Handling Objects] [Activating Objects] [Reading or Modifying Objects] [Script Structure and Processing ] [Error Handling and Messages] [Activation Data] [User Data] [Data Sequences] [Event Handling] [System Conditions and Settings] [Date and Time] [Arithmetic] [Strings]
Script Element |
Description |
Beginning and end of a dialog for user queries. |
Writes text to a dialog for user queries or to the activation report of an object. |
Puts name and content of a script variable in an input buffer. |
Puts name and content of a script variable in an input buffer. |
Queries the user in a dialog. |
Activates an object. |
Calculates forecast data for future activities. |
Cancels execution of an activated object. |
DEACTIVATE_UC_OBJECT | Deactivates a completed task. |
DELETE_FORECAST | Deletes any number or given Forecasts from the Automation Engine database. |
Creates a forecast of a given object. |
Creates a forecast of a running task. |
RERUN_UC_OBJECT | Continues a certain workflow. |
Repeats the execution of a task. |
ROLLBACK_UC_OBJECT | Executes the rollback of a specific task |
Returns the number of all activated objects. |
SYS_STATE_ACTIVE | Checks if an object is already active. |
SYS_STATE_JOB_ACTIVE | Checks if a job has already been activated. |
SYS_STATE_JOBS_IN_GROUP | Retrieves the number of jobs that are registered in groups. |
SYS_STATE_JP_ACTIVE | Checks if a workflow has already been activated. |
TOGGLE_OBJECT_STATUS | Stops or starts the automatic execution of several object types. |
[Handling Objects] [Activating Objects] [Reading or Modifying Objects] [Script Structure and Processing ] [Error Handling and Messages] [Activation Data] [User Data] [Data Sequences] [Event Handling] [System Conditions and Settings] [Date and Time] [Arithmetic] [Strings]
Script Element |
Description |
Adds recipients to a notification at runtime. |
Adds a comment to a task. |
Assigns a Sync object to a task. |
Deletes one or all values of a Variable object. |
Modifies the return code or status text of a job when it has finished. |
Sets or changes attributes of objects. |
Extends the notification's message text at runtime. |
Stores a value in a Variable object. |
:PUT_VAR_COL | Stores a value to a particular column of a static Variable object. |
:PUT_VAR_PROCESS | Writes the content of a data sequence to a static Variable object. |
Removes recipients in a Notification object at runtime. |
Replaces the structure of a workflow with the structure of another workflow at activation. |
:RESOLVE | Tries to resolve all variables in the string. |
Inserts/deletes a date or time period in a calendar. |
Sets the earliest start time in workflows. |
Closes an XML document. |
Returns the values of attributes of an object during its generation. |
Supplies part of the message text in a notification. |
GET_CONDITION | Determines the earliest start time in workflows. |
GET_CONNECTION | Reads information from a DB-type Connection object. |
GET_LOGIN | Reads information from Login objects. |
Returns a task's object type. |
GET_OH_IDNR | Supplies an object's internal number. |
GET_PUBLISHED_VALUE | Retrieves the value or PromptSet variable of a certain task. |
Retrieves details from the statistical record of an executable object. |
Queries the current condition or value of a Sync object. |
GET_VAR | Returns the content of a Variable object. |
MODIFY_TASK | Modifies active workflows. |
Modifies the attribute of an activated object. |
RESOLVE_VAR | Resolves any kind of variable (Prompt values, System variables, Script variables, Variable objects) in text. |
Executes the defined action of a Sync object. |
XML_APPEND_BEFORE | Moves an XML element in front of another element. |
XML_APPEND_CHILD | Adds a new sub-element to an XML element. |
XML_APPEND_CLONE | Duplicates an XML element and attaches it to another element. |
XML_APPEND_ELEMENT | Attaches an existing XML element to another element. |
Beautifies the display of an element's structure. |
XML_CLONE_AND_RENAME | Duplicates and renames an XML element. |
XML_DELETE_NODE | Removes a specific XML element. |
Supplies the value of an attribute. |
Counts the sub-elements of an element. |
Identifies the first sub-element of an element. |
XML_GET_LAST_CHILD | Identifies the last sub-element of an element. |
Identifies the succeeding element. |
Supplies the name of an element. |
Supplies the text of an element. |
XML_INSERT_BEFORE | Creates a new XML element and inserts this in front of another element. |
Opens an XML document for processing. |
Writes the XML document in a file. |
XML_REMOVE_CHILDREN | Removes all the sub-elements of an XML element. |
Identifies any element. |
XML_SET_ATTRIBUTE | Adds a new attribute to an XML element or changes an existing attribute. |
XML_SET_NODE_TEXT | Changes or sets the value of an XML element. |
XML_TO_STRING | Returns the XML of a specific element as text. |
Script Structure and Processing
[Handling Objects] [Activating Objects] [Reading or Modifying Objects] [Script Structure and Processing] [Error Handling and Messages] [Activation Data] [User Data] [Data Sequences] [Event Handling] [System Conditions and Settings] [Date and Time] [Arithmetic] [Strings]
Script Element |
Description |
:ATTACH_RES | Transfers resources from a Storage object to the Windows or UNIX agent. |
:BEGIN_EXT_INTERPRETERS... :END_EXT_INTERPRETERS | Marks the beginning and end of an external interpreter's script in the Process Tab of Windows and UNIX Job objects. |
:CLEAR | Resets a script array to its initial values. |
:CONST | Creates a script variable as a constant with a certain value. |
Explicit declaration of a DATA line in a script. |
:DEFINE | Declares a script variable with a particular data type. |
Deactivates the logging of a task's script. |
Activates the logging of a task's script. |
:FILL | Stores several values in a script array. |
Controls the processing of script lines during execution of the script. |
Branching under certain conditions. |
Integrates an Include object into the current script. |
Integrates a script into another script of the same object. |
:IFVERS [:ELSEVERS] :ENDVERS | Pre-compiler instructions for skipping script blocks depending on the installed Automation Engine version. |
Forms JCL lines to a size of up to 2 KB. |
:JCL_SUBSTITUTE | Replaces a string in the JCL with another string. |
Assigns a value to an object variable. |
:PUBLISH | Defines script variables and arrays as object variables. |
:REGISTER_VARIABLE | Available on Windows and UNIX, used in a Job object's (JOBS) Process Tab inside :BEGIN_EXT_INTERPRETER... :END_EXT_INTERPRETER for an external interpreter script call. |
Sets restart points in an object. |
:RSET | Assigns a value to a script variable and saves it to the activation report. |
:SET | Assigns a value to a script variable. |
:SET_SCRIPT_VAR | Sets the values of script variables by indirect access. |
:SWITCH... :CASE... :ENDSWITCH | It verifies whether the value of a variable complies with certain values and depending on the result, it runs various statements. |
:WAIT | This is used to stop processing of the script for a specified period of time. Meanwhile, other tasks are completed. |
:WHILE... :ENDWHILE | Loop for repeated execution of script statements. |
FIND | Searches a script array and returns the corresponding index. |
Returns the values of script variables by indirect access. |
LENGTH | Retrieves the size of a script array. |
SYS_LAST_ARRAY_INDEX | Returns the last filled index of an array. |
[Handling Objects] [Activating Objects] [Reading or Modifying Objects] [Script Structure and Processing] [Error Handling and Messages] [Activation Data] [User Data] [Data Sequences] [Event Handling] [System Conditions and Settings] [Date and Time] [Arithmetic] [Strings]
Script Element |
Description |
Terminates the processing of a script with a return code. |
Determines the reaction to certain errors and messages of script elements. |
Sends messages to the user of the UserInterface. |
Sends an SNMP trap. |
Sets error number and text. |
Terminates the activation of a script and can display error messages. |
Retrieves the message text of the latest occurred error. |
Retrieves the type of a message number. |
Sends email to a user. |
Supplies the variable message part of the error that has last occurred. |
SYS_LAST_ERR_NR | Returns the number of the error that has last occurred. |
SYS_LAST_ERR_SYSTXT | Retrieves the last-occurred error message from the operating system. |
[Handling Objects] [Activating Objects] [Reading or Modifying Objects] [Script Structure and Processing] [Error Handling and Messages] [Activation Data] [User Data] [Data Sequences] [Event Handling] [System Conditions and Settings] [Date and Time] [Arithmetic] [Strings]
Script Element |
Description |
Predefined Variable |
Returns the name of the superordinate task (Parent). |
Returns the run number of the superordinate task (Parent). |
Returns the object type of the superordinate task (Parent). |
Returns the RunID of an activated object. |
This returns the status of an activated object. |
Returns the name of the host. |
Determines if a task was activated in a workflow. |
SYS_ACT_ME_NAME | Returns the name of the own object. | &$NAME# |
SYS_ACT_ME_NR | Returns the run number (RunID) of the own object. | &$RUNID# |
SYS_ACT_ME_TYPE | Returns the object type of the own object. | &$OBJECT_TYPE# |
Supplies the name of a superordinate task. |
SYS_ACT_PARENT_NR | Supplies the run number (RunID) of the superordinate task. | &$ACTIVATOR_RUNID# &$PROCESSOR_RUNID# |
SYS_ACT_PARENT_TYPE | Returns the object type of the superordinate task. | &$ACTIVATOR_TYPE# &$PROCESSOR_TYPE# |
SYS_ACT_PREV_NAME | Returns the name of the previous task in a workflow. | |
SYS_ACT_PREV_NR | Returns the run number (RunID) of a previous task in a workflow. | |
SYS_ACT_PTTYP | Returns the partner type of the user. | &$PARTNER_TYPE# |
SYS_ACT_RESTART | Retrieves whether the object was activated in restart mode. | &$RESTARTED# |
SYS_ACT_RESTART_COUNT | Supplies the number of restarts that have been executed for workflow tasks using the script statement RESTART TASK (Postconditions). | &$RESTART_COUNT# |
SYS_ACT_RESTART_ME_NR | Returns the run number (RunID) of an object activated in restart mode. | &$RESTART_RUNID# |
SYS_ACT_TOP_NAME | Supplies the name of the top workflow. | &$TOP_PROCESSFLOW_NAME# |
SYS_ACT_TOP_NR | Supplies the run number (RunID) of the top workflow. | &$TOP_PROCESSFLOW_RUNID# |
SYS_ACT_USERID | Supplies the User ID under which the job will run. | |
Returns the last used output file of the command :REGISTER_OUTPUTFILE |
SYS_LAST_REGISTERED_ULOGIN | Returns the last used login of the command :REGISTER_OUTPUTFILE | |
SYS_LAST_REGISTERED_VALUENAME | Returns the last used variable-value of the command :REGISTER_VARIABLE | |
SYS_LAST_REGISTERED_VARNAME | Returns the last used variable name of the command :REGISTER_VARIABLE | |
SYS_LAST_RESTART_POINT | Supplies the name of the previous restart point in the script. | |
SYS_LAST_RESTART_TEXT | Supplies the text of the previous restart point as defined in the script. | |
Supplies the restart point from which the object will be executed. |
[Handling Objects] [Activating Objects] [Reading or Modifying Objects] [Script Structure and Processing] [Error Handling and Messages] [Activation Data] [User Data] [Data Sequences] [Event Handling] [System Conditions and Settings] [Date and Time] [Arithmetic] [Strings]
Script Element |
Description |
Predefined Variable |
Checks a user's membership status within a user group. |
Number of the current client. |
&$CLIENT# | |
Text of the current client. |
Checks if a user is logged with a UserInterface in AE. |
Supplies the department of the user who started the task. |
Supplies the first and last name of the user who started the task. |
&$USER_FL# | |
Supplies the name of the user who started the task. |
&$USER# |
[Handling Objects] [Activating Objects] [Reading or Modifying Objects] [Script Structure and Processing] [Error Handling and Messages] [Activation Data] [User Data] [Data Sequences] [Event Handling] [System Conditions and Settings] [Date and Time] [Arithmetic] [Strings]
Script Element |
Description |
Discards a data sequence within a script. |
The definition of a loop for the line by line processing of a data sequence such as the content of a sequential file or the text result of a command. |
CREATE_PROCESS | Creates a new data sequence. |
GET_PROCESS_INFO | Retrieves information of a data sequence |
Returns the content of the current line of a data sequence. |
LOAD_PROCESS | Loads a stored data sequence. |
Via specific Job objects (event jobs), this script function processes commands on a computer and returns the Console output as an internal list (data sequence) which can further be processed. |
Uses selection criteria to retrieve the agents of an AgentGroup object and provides the result for further processing in the form of an internal list (data sequence). |
Uses filter settings to retrieve the timestamp, user and text of task comments and provides the result for further processing in the form of an internal list (data sequence). |
PREP_PROCESS_DOCU | Provides the content of a Documentation tab as an internal list (data sequence) for further processing. |
Uses filter criteria to retrieve the content of a text file which is available on a particular computer line by line. It provides the result for further processing in the form of an internal list (data sequence). |
Retrieves a list of file names which are available in a specified computer directory. It provides the result for further processing in the form of an internal list (data sequence). |
PREP_PROCESS_PROMPTSET | Reads the definition of PromptSet objects and provides them as an internal list (data sequence) for further processing. |
Uses filter criteria to retrieve the report lines of executable objects and provides the result for further processing in the form of an internal list (data sequence). |
PREP_PROCESS_REPORTLIST | Retrieves the list of the registered output of jobs that have already run and provides the result in the form of an internal list (data sequence) for further processing. |
Uses selection criteria to retrieve a list of Variable object values and provides the result for further processing in the form of an internal list (data sequence). |
PUT_PROCESS_LINE | Adds a line to a certain data sequence. |
SAVE_PROCESS | Stores a certain data sequence. |
WRITE_PROCESS | It writes the content of a data sequence to a file. |
XML_DOM_TO_PROCESS | Creates a data sequence based on a certain XML document. |
XML_PROCESS_TO_DOM | Creates an XML document from a data sequence. |
[Handling Objects] [Activating Objects] [Reading or Modifying Objects] [Script Structure and Processing] [Error Handling and Messages] [Activation Data] [User Data] [Data Sequences] [Event Handling] [System Conditions and Settings] [Date and Time] [Arithmetic] [Strings]
Script Element |
Description |
Reads message data of an occurred console event. |
Reads data of occurred Console, FileSystem and Database events. |
Retrieves several file-system values from a defined path of a computer. |
Determines entries in the Windows system, security and application logs if an event occurs. |
System Conditions and Settings
[Handling Objects] [Activating Objects] [Reading or Modifying Objects] [Script Structure and Processing] [Error Handling and Messages] [Activation Data] [User Data] [Data Sequences] [Event Handling] [System Conditions and Settings] [Date and Time] [Arithmetic] [Strings]
Script Element |
Description |
Predefined Variable |
Disconnects a connection to the AE system. |
Changes system settings during system operation. |
Ends an AE system. |
Ends an agent, a work, or communication process. |
Causes the log file to be changed. |
Determines the name of the work process in which the script runs. |
Reads current system settings. |
Determines the name of the AE system. |
&$SYSTEM# | |
ILM | Controls ILM functionality. | |
MODIFY_SYSTEM | Processes ServiceManager actions or queue modifications. | |
Returns the size of the workload of the Automation Engine during the last minute (in percent). |
Returns the size of the workload of the Automation Engine during the last 10 minutes (in percent). |
Returns the size of the workload of the Automation Engine during the last hour (in percent). |
Checks if a certain host is active. |
Reads AE-system information. |
Checks if a certain server process is active. |
Checks if the SNMP connection (Simple Network Management Protocol) of AE is active. |
Supplies the language in which the Server generates the log files. |
Stops or starts automatic processing of a client. |
[Handling Objects] [Activating Objects] [Reading or Modifying Objects] [Script Structure and Processing] [Error Handling and Messages] [Activation Data] [User Data] [Data Sequences] [Event Handling] [System Conditions and Settings] [Date and Time] [Arithmetic] [Strings]
Script Element |
Description |
Predefined Variable |
Adds days to a given date. |
Adds a period to a specified date. |
Adds two times. |
Adds time to a Time Stamp. |
Returns the next date based on calendar conditions. |
Converts a date from one date format to another. |
Converts date and time for use in another time zone. |
Returns the current day of the year. |
Determines the difference between two date entries in days. |
Returns the difference between two time entries. |
Determines the first day of the period for a specified date. |
Determines the last day of the period of a specified date. |
Subtracts days from a given date. |
SUB_PERIOD | Subtracts a period from a specified date. | |
SUB_TIME | Subtracts two times. | |
Subtracts time from a Time Stamp. |
Returns the current date at the beginning of the script processing. |
&$DATE_format# | |
SYS_DATE_PHYSICAL | Determines the current date. | &$PHYS_DATE_format# |
SYS_LDATE | Returns the logical date. | &$LDATE_format# |
SYS_TIME | Returns the current time of day at the beginning of the script processing. | &$TIME_format# |
SYS_TIME_PHYSICAL | Determines the current time of day. | &$PHYS_TIME_format# |
Provides current date and time. |
Checks whether a date is included in the calendar keyword. |
VALID_DATE | Checks if the date is valid. | |
VALID_TIME | Checks if the time is valid. | |
WEEK_NR | Returns the calendar week of a given date. | |
WEEKDAY_NR | Returns the day of a week of a given date as a number. | |
WEEKDAY_XX | Returns the day of the week of a given date as an abbreviation. | |
YEAR_9999 | Extracts the year from a given date. |
[Handling Objects] [Activating Objects] [Reading or Modifying Objects] [Script Structure and Processing] [Error Handling and Messages] [Activation Data] [User Data] [Data Sequences] [Event Handling] [System Conditions and Settings] [Date and Time] [Arithmetic] [Strings]
Script Element |
Description |
Adds |
Divides |
Checks if a bit is set in a bit field. |
Returns the remainder of a division. |
Multiplies |
Generates random numbers. |
Subtracts |
[Handling Objects] [Activating Objects] [Reading or Modifying Objects] [Script Structure and Processing] [Error Handling and Messages] [Activation Data] [User Data] [Data Sequences] [Event Handling] [System Conditions and Settings] [Date and Time] [Arithmetic] [Strings]
Script Element |
Description |
Converts the name of a job or report file to a RunID. |
ARRAY_2_STRING | Converts a script array to a string. |
Converts all characters of a string to lowercase letters. |
Converts all characters of a string to uppercase letters. |
CONVERT | Converts the data type of a value. |
Changes the formatting of a number. |
Converts a string into hexadecimal form. |
Checks if a string is numeric. |
Copy string characters. |
Converts the RunID to the corresponding file names. |
Combines two strings to a new string. |
STR_ENDS_WITH | Checks whether a string ends with a certain other string. |
Searches for a character or a string within a string. |
Searches for a character or a string within a string. The search begins at the end of the string being searched. |
STR_ISLOWER | Checks whether the characters of a string are written in lowercase letters. |
STR_ISUPPER | Checks whether the characters of a string are written in uppercase letters. |
STR_LENGTH or STR_LNG | Returns the length of a string. |
STR_LTRIM | Deletes empty spaces at the beginning of a string. |
STR_PAD | Extends a string to a certain length. |
STR_MATCH | Compares two strings. |
STR_REVERSE | Reverses the order of the characters within a string. |
STR_RTRIM | Deletes the empty spaces at the end of a string. |
STR_SPLIT | Splits a string into several parts using a separator. |
STR_STARTS_WITH | Checks whether a string starts with a certain other string. |
STR_SUBSTITUTE | Replaces character or string within a string. |
STR_SUBSTITUTE_VAR | Replaces script-variable names by their values. |
Removes empty spaces at the beginning and the end of a string. |
Returns a page break. |