Global Search

Whether you want to search for an object, a task , a dashboard or an ARA entity, the fastest way to do it is via the global search. Type your search string (the name or title of the item you are searching for) and a dropdown list displays a selection of the results, information on the total number of items found and access to all functions available for that item right from the hit list.

You find the global search box on the right corner of the menu bar:

The system searches for the string you enter here in all objects, tasks dashboards and ARA Entities.

By default, the Global Search function uses implicit wildcards at the beginning and at the end of the string you enter. For example, entering DB_BACKUP actually triggers the search for *DB_BACKUP*; results such as

will be suggested in the dropdown list.

What You Can Do from the Global Search Dropdown List

This list does not only provide the search results. It also gives you quick access to the same functions that are available for objects, folders, tasks, dashboards and entities in their respective perspectives:


The number of results that is displayed is defined in the MAX_SEARCH_RESULTS parameter in the UC_CLIENT_SETTINGS variable for each client. The default is 10, the maximum is 50.

The Results List

Clicking the link on the Objects header opens the results list, for example:

Click to Expand

You can rearrange the columns and rows to best fit your needs. For details see Working with Main Page Tables.

Clicking on an object or folder opens it in the Process Assembly perspective, where, depending on your privileges, you can edit it.

Right-clicking one or more records on the list opens a context-menu with all the available options. If you select multiple records, the context menu displays the functions that are available and common to all of them. See Working with Objects or Working with Tasks.

To Make a Global Search

  1. Type the name, title or RunID of the record you are looking for. The text you enter must have

    You can also type multiple terms separated by spaces.

  2. A dropdown list with an overview of the results opens up.

    Here you can:

See also: