This topic provides general information on executions and an overview of the execution stages.
General Information
The terms "Parent" and "Child" are commonly used with objects. An object is referred to as a child if it is activated through a superordinate (parent), see Superordinate Tasks (Parents). An example is a Schedule object (parent) which processes a FileTransfer object (child).
Executed objects are also referred to as tasks. Hence the processing of objects is described whenever the Automation Engine Documentation refers to tasks
Two points in time are important during object execution: activation and the start time. During the activation time, the task is displayed in the Activity Window. Mostly, tasks do not start immediately because usually they are subject to superordinate objects such as Schedule objects.
When you execute a workflow, it's children will not be affected by the workflow's TimeZone setting. Any workflow task-specific changes you want to make need to be made on one of the tabs of the Properties window for each task.
A group must only run once at a time. The number of parallel executions of other executable objects depends on the settings made in the Attributes tab.
For Job objects the status "ENDED_OK" will be set as soon as the execution has ended. Post Processing options will not result in a change of the object's status to "ACTIVE".
This chapter provides information on the following: