SLO objects depict the following four parties involved in a Service Level Agreement: The subject of the agreement, that is, the services (executable objects) provided; The beneficiaries of those services, that is the entities (departments, business units, etc.) that consume the services; The criteria they should fulfill and, finally, the actions that will be taken in case they do or do not.
Object Definition
Object class: Passive object
Object type/Short form: SLO
SLO objects can be defined either in the Process Assembly or in the Administration Perspective.
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In an SLO object you determine the following:
As soon as you activate the SLO object, the services defined in it are monitored and, if the requirements are not met, a violation is generated. See Monitoring Services.
Defining SLO Objects
The steps for defining SLO objects are the same as for any other Automic object. This section describes the settings that are specific to only SLO objects.
An SLO object definition is made up of the following pages:
SLO-specific pages:
See also: