Adaptive Evaluation
The adaptive method calculates the expected runtime (ERT) in an intelligent and adaptive manner based on various data from previous runs.
Unlike other ERT calculation methods, a few requirements are needed and various special points must be noted in order to apply this method.
The adaptive ERT calculation is based on Automation Engine statistics, therefore a re-organization of the database affects this calculation method.
To make this method work effectively, sufficient statistical data must be available.
For the same reason, if you create new Jobs or change existing ones in your system, the adaptive ERT calculation will only be performed, after those Jobs have run repeatedly. Approximately 30 runs will be necessary, until a re-calculation is performed.
The following requirements are needed in order to to calculate ERT using the "Adaptive" method.
- At least 1 Java-based work process (JWP).
Only JWPs can calculate the adaptive ERT. If no JWP is available, an alternative calculation method (UC_CLIENT_SETTINGS - ERT_ADAPTIVE_FALLBACK_METHOD) will be used for all tasks where "Adaptive" ERT calculation has been selected. - Adaptive ERT calculation must be activated in the UC_CLIENT_SETTINGS variable (ERT_ADAPTIVE="Y").
Special Points to Note
The following special points must be noted if you use adaptive ERT calculation.
- The ERT is not calculated until the JWP is running. This may take a while.
Tasks that are waiting for adaptive ERT calculation have the status "Waiting for ERT". This applies to tasks, for example, whose minimum or maximum runtime is calculated depending on the ERT.Following the system start, the JWP will be waited for for no more than the period defined in ERT_ADAPTIVE_JWP_TIMEOUT (UC_SYSTEM_SETTINGS) before the alternative method is used.
- If the dynamic "Adaptive" ERT method is selected from the executable objects on the Runtime tab, all buttons and options for the dynamic ERT calculation will be grayed out. These include the options ignore deviations, from the last x runs, however consider at least x runs, as well as the buttons Display diagram and Reset values. Thus, no ERT / RRT diagram is available for the adaptive ERT calculation.
- Also, the ERT/RRT chart cannot be opened in the Properties of objects for which an adaptive ERT calculation has been configured.
- After selecting the adaptive method on the Runtime tab, the name of the field changes from Current ERT to Fallback ERT. This also applies to the Properties of objects, where the field is also located.
In this case, the field is used exclusively for the alternative ERT calculation method (UC_CLIENT_SETTINGS: ERT_ADAPTIVE_FALLBACK_METHOD) and contains the current ERT for the next task run. The field has no effect on the adaptive ERT method. - The ERT is calculated using the alternative method for calculating a task forecast for which the adaptive ERT method has been defined.
When calculating the ERT using the adaptive method, intelligent, adaptive (machine learning-based) behavior is applied based on various internal and external factors / data / runtime parameters.
Internal factors
The internal factors for the adaptive calculation are defined using the setting ERT_ADAPTIVE_DEFAULT_CONTEXT (UC_CLIENT_SETTINGS). You can specify any attributes from executable objects here. The alias and object name of the higher-level task, the agent (in the event of a file transfer: source and target agent), and the task start time will be taken into account by default.
External factors
Object variables are used as external factors for the adaptive ERT calculation, which need to have been defined accordingly on the Variables & Prompts tab.
To define object variables as external factors, select a data type corresponding to the value of the required object variables in the Use for adaptive ERT column of the section Variables (Variables & Prompts tab) . Specifying the data type is required so that the adaptive ERT calculation can assign and process the value correctly.
When calculating the ERT, the data type, value, and name of the object variable from previous runs will be compared and grouped, and an attempt made to generate logic.
You can also define PromptSet variables and Parent object variables as external factors. Simply define an object variable using the name of the PromptSet or parent variable and the corresponding data type (column Use for adaptive ERT). The value of this object variable will then be overwritten by the PromptSet variable or the inherited object variable.
It is not guaranteed that variables which have been defined as external factors also actually influence the ERT calculation. If the variable does not change, for example, or does not change to an extent that could be attributed to the runtime, it is omitted from the calculation.