Executes previously scheduled jobs in SAP under the control of AE. The jobs that should start are taken from a selection.

Transaction: SM37

Interface: AE and standard

AE Interface

[AE] [standard]



Syntax Description/Format

Selection of one or more jobs by name.
Format: script literal or AE name

Name and number clearly identify an individual SAP job. The wildcard character "*" can be used (such as 'xxx*') if several jobs are selected.


Further selection criteria in the form of a keyword and an assignment.

Non-specified parameters obtain default values. Formats are applied for the keyword assignment.


Number of the SAP job.
Format: script literal

Name and number clearly identify an individual SAP job.


Job selection by groups (such as "xxx*").
Format: script literal or AE name

Default value: "*"


Job selection by users (such as "xxx*").
Format: script literal or AE name

Default value: "*"


Action if no jobs are found.
Format: script literal

Allowed Values NORMAL (default value) and ABEND

NORMAL - Script execution continues, the AE job ends normally.
ABEND - Script execution stops, the AE job ends abnormally.


Action if one of the selected jobs ends abnormally.
Format: script literal

Allowed values: ABEND (default value) and IGNORE

ABEND - Script execution stops, the AE job ends abnormally.
IGNORE - Script execution continues, the AE job ends normally.


Single or permanent selection.
Format: script literal

Allowed values: ONCE (default value) and EVERY

ONCE - The number of selected jobs is retrieved once.
EVERY - The number of selected jobs is retrieved after each job release. Released jobs can so be paralleled.


Select whether the original job or a duplicate should start.
Format: script literal

Allowed values: "ORIGINAL" (default value) and "DUPLICATE"


Name of the job that should start as a duplicate.
Format: script literal

Only used when START=DUPLICATE has been specified. This parameter is ignored if the original job should be started.


Start date of the selected scheduled jobs.
Format: script literal

Date format: YYYYMMDD
Default value: "20000101"

All scheduled jobs will be selected and start commencing as of the specified start date if this parameter is used without the parameter END_DATE.


End time of the selected scheduled jobs.
Format: script literal

Time format: HHMMSS
Default value: "000000"

If this parameter is used without the parameter END_TIME, all scheduled jobs will be selected and started commencing as of the specified start time. 11:59pm is the end time.


End date of the selected scheduled jobs.
Format: script literal

Date format: YYYYMMDD
Default value: current date

This parameter must be indicated and the same date used with the parameter START_DATE to select all scheduled jobs of a day.


Start time of the selected scheduled jobs.
Format: script literal

Time format: HHMMSS
Default value: "235959"


Jobs without start date.
Format: script literal or AE name

Allowed values: "" (default value) and "X"


Target system that should be used by a released SAP job.
Format: script literal

Allowed values: KEEP (default value) and ATTRIBUTE

KEEP - The target system that is specified in the original job is kept.
ATTRIBUTE - The target system that is specified in the job's host attributes is used.

BEG_LOGLINES= Determines the number of lines that should be assumed to the AE job report (starting with the SAP job log's beginning).

Number of lines that should be written to the AE job report (starting with the SAP job log's ending).

By default, the complete job log is used if neither the parameter END_LOGLINES nor BEG_LOGLINES have been specified. If only one of these two parameters is specified, the corresponding job-log lines (either from the beginning or the end) are read.
No job log is transferred if the value "0" has been specified in both parameters.

In both parameters, you can only use numeric values.


Requests the spool list of the started job.
Format of the value: script literal

Allowed values: YES or NO (default)

YES = The spool list is requested. It is stored as a text file in the directory that has been defined in the SAP agent's INI file with the parameter Download_dir= (Sektion [GLOBAL]). The name of this file is structured as follows:
<SAP job count>_<step number>_<spool number>.txt
This file is also registered as job output in the AE job.

NO = The spool list is not requested.


Releasing all planned jobs of user 'NI':


In the second example, all jobs scheduled between 7/1/2001 12:00:00am and 7/2/2001 11:59:59pm are selected and started.


In this example, all jobs scheduled between 7/1/2001 12:30:00pm and 7/2/2001 12:30:00pm are selected and started.


Standard Interface

[AE] [standard]



Syntax Description/Format

Selection of one or more jobs by name.
Format: script literal or AE name

Name and number clearly identify an individual SAP job. The wildcard character "*" can be used (such as 'xxx*') if several jobs are selected.


Further selection criteria in the form of a keyword and an assignment.

Non-specified parameters obtain default values. Formats are applied for the keyword assignment.


Number of the SAP job.
Format: script literal

Name and number clearly identify an individual SAP job.


Action when no jobs are found.
Format: script literal

Allowed Values "NORMAL" (default value) and "ABEND"

"NORMAL" - Script execution continues, the AE job ends normally.
"ABEND" - Script execution stops, the AE job ends abnormally.


Action if one of the selected jobs ends abnormally.
Format: script literal

Allowed values: "ABEND" (default value) and "IGNORE"

"ABEND" - Script execution stops, the AE job ends abnormally.
"IGNORE" - Script execution continues, the AE job ends normally.


Single or permanent selection.
Format: script literal

Allowed values: "ONCE" (default value) and "EVERY"

"ONCE" - The number of selected jobs is retrieved once.
"EVERY" - The number of selected jobs is retrieved after each job release. Released jobs can so be paralleled.


Selection whether the original job or a duplicate should start.
Format: script literal

Allowed values: "ORIGINAL" (default value) and "DUPLICATE"


Name of the job that should start as a duplicate.
Format: script literal

Only used if START=DUPLICATE has been specified. This parameter is ignored if the original job should start.


Start date of the selected scheduled jobs.
Format: script literal

Date format: YYYYMMDD
Default value: "20000101"

All scheduled jobs will be selected and start commencing as of the specified start date if this parameter is used without the parameter END_DATE.


Start time of the selected scheduled jobs.
Format: script literal

Time format: HHMMSS
Default value: "000000"

If this parameter is used without the parameter END_TIME, all scheduled jobs will be selected and started commencing as of the specified start time. 11:59pm is the end time.


End date of the selected scheduled jobs.
Format: script literal

Date format: YYYYMMDD
Default value: current date

This parameter must be indicated and the same date used with the parameter START_DATE to select all scheduled jobs of a day.


Start time of the selected scheduled jobs.
Format: script literal

Time format: HHMMSS
Default value: "235959"


Target system that should be used by a released SAP job.
Format: script literal

Allowed values: "KEEP" (default value) and "ATTRIBUTE"

"KEEP" - The target system specified in the original job is kept.
"ATTRIBUTE" - The target system specified in the job's host attributes is used.


Status monitoring in the activation log.
Format: script literal

Allowed values: "YES" and "NO" (default value)


Wait for SAP job children to end.
Format: script literal or AE name

Allowed values: "YES" or "NO" (default value)

"NO" - Do not wait for all children to end.
"YES" - Wait for all children to end. Children are logged in the activation report.


Reaction to abnormal end of SAP job children.
Format: script literal or AE name

Allowed values: "YES" and "NO" (default value)

"NO" - SAP job (parent) does not abort. The script continues and the AE job ends normally.
"YES" - SAP job (parent) aborts. The script does not continue and the AE job ends abnormally.


Handling of the children of intercepted jobs.
Format of the value: script literal

Allowed values: "YES" and "NO" (default value)

"YES" - The children of a job are replicated in the AE system. They are displayed in the UserInterface's Activity Window and statistical records and reports are generated in the AE system.
"NO" - There is no replication in the AE system.

BEG_LOGLINES= Determines the number of lines that should be assumed to the AE job report (starting with the SAP job log's beginning).

Number of lines that should be written to the AE job report (starting with the SAP job log's ending).

By default, the complete job log is used if neither the parameter END_LOGLINES nor BEG_LOGLINES have been specified. If only one of these two parameters has been specified, the corresponding job-log lines (either from the beginning or the end) are read.
No job log is transferred if the value "0" has been specified in both parameters.

In both parameters, you can only use numeric values.


Queries the spool list of the started job.
Format of the value: script literal

Allowed values: "YES" or "NO" (default value)

"YES" = Queries the spool list which is stored as a text file in the directory that you define in the SAP agent's INI file, parameter Download_dir= (Sektion [GLOBAL]). The name of this file is structured as follows:
<SAP job count>_<Step number>_<Spool number.txt
This file is also registered as a job output in the AE job.

"NO" = The spool list is not requested.


Releasing all planned jobs with job name 'REORG_SPOOL':


See also: