Sets a performance attribute in the SAP monitor architecture

Transaction: RZ20

Interface: XMW





NODE= Name of the node
Format of the value: script literal
VALUE= Value to be set
Format of the value: number
UNIT= Unit of the value (short form)
Format of the value: script literal

Data collection method of the node

Format of the value: script literal

AN_METHOD= Analysis method of the node
Format of the value: script literal
AU_METHOD= Auto-reaction method of the node
Format of the value: script literal

Determines that an alarm is generated if the value is above or below the limit.

Allowed values: "ABOVE" (default) and "BELOW"

"ABOVE" - Alarm for a value above the limit
"BELOW" - Alarm for a value below the limit


Limit for a color change from green to yellow
Format of the value: number

Default value: "0"


Limit for a color change from yellow to red
Format of the value: number

Default value: "0"


Limit for a color change from yellow to green
Format of the value: number

Default value: "0"


Limit for a color change from red to yellow
Format of the value: number

Default value: "0"


An existing performance attribute is changed. If it does not yet exist, the script element creates it with the corresponding value.

Format of the parameter NODE=

This parameter describes a complete path. The individual parts are separated by a slash "/".

The path always starts with a context node which can be followed by a sum node, an object node and an attribute node.

Context, object and attribute nodes must only be used once in the path. Sum nodes can be used several times.

Example 1:


Example 2:



Executing the following example creates the context node "UC4", the object node "Test" and the performance attribute including the value "150". The color green is assigned because the limit specified in G2Y has not been exceeded.

R3_SET_PERF_ATTR NODE="UC4/Test/PerfAttribute",VALUE="150",UNIT="sec",G2Y="160",Y2R="200",Y2G="160",R2Y="190"

See also: