Filtering by Agent

Use the Agent Name and Agent Type options to filter out tasks that have been processed on specific agents.

Agent Name

Filtering tasks using this option is the same as grouping them using the Group by: Agent option on the Tasks left pane and selecting an agent.

Use this option if you know the name or part of the name of the agent on which the tasks have been processed.


Agent VVIEINTEGRATE02B has processes 69 tasks. If you enter just VVIEINT, all tasks of this agent are found and displayed.

ClosedTo Filter by Agent Name

  1. Enter the name or part of the name of the agent.
  2. Optionally, activate the Exclude checkbox. This results in the list of tasks that do not contain the string you have entered.
  3. Click the Filter button at the bottom of the pane.

Agent Type

Use this option to all the tasks processed by all the agents of a particular type, for example all tasks processed by Windows agents.

ClosedTo Filter by Agent Type

  1. Activate the checkbox of the agent type you are interested in. You can select one or more types.

    Optionally, activate the Select all checkbox to select all types at a time. Activate Clear selection to remove the filter.

  2. Click the Filter button at the bottom of the pane.